listen<T> method

void listen<T>({
  1. required MomentumState<StatefulWidget> state,
  2. required void invoke(
    1. T data


Listen for the event of type T. Requires MomentumState. Example uses is for displaying dialogs, snackbars, and navigation. It is highly recommended to only call this inside MomentumState.initMomentumState.

NOTE: For dialogs/snackbars/toast/etc, this is better than addListener because addListener only reacts to model.update(...) which forces you to update your state where showing dialogs/snackbars/toast/etc doesn't actually need it. With listen, You can send any kinds of data to the widgets.


void listen<T>({
  required MomentumState state,
  required void Function(T data) invoke,
}) {
  var newHandler = MomentumEvent<T>(state);
  newHandler.on().listen((data) {