MomentBenefits extension



date DateTime
Returns new DateTime with the date at 00:00:00 AM, preserves timezone
no setter
dayOfYear int
Returns ordinal day of the year in the current timezone
no setter
hour12 int
Returns hour in 12-hour format
no setter
isAm bool
Returns whether the hour is before noon (ante meridiem) in the current timezone
no setter
isFuture bool
no setter
isLeapYear bool
Returns if year is leap year.
no setter
isPast bool
no setter
isPm bool
Returns whether the hour is after noon (post meridiem) in the current timezone
no setter
quarter int
Returns quarter of the year.
no setter
week int
Returns ISO week number of the year
no setter
weekYear int
Returns year according to ISO week number of the year
no setter


clone() DateTime
Returns new DateTime, preserves timezone
differenceInDays(DateTime other) int
Difference calculated after omitting hour, minute, ..., microsecond
format({String payload = MomentLocalization.localizationDefaultDateFormat, bool forceLocal = false, MomentLocalization? localization}) String
isFutureAnchored([DateTime? anchor]) bool
isPastAnchored([DateTime? anchor]) bool
timeZoneFormatted([bool seperateWithColon = true]) String
Returns timezone:
to(DateTime other) CustomTimeRange
Returns CustomTimeRange from this to other
toMoment({MomentLocalization? localization}) Moment


operator +(Duration other) → dynamic
Equivalent to add(other)
operator -(Duration other) → dynamic
Equivalent to subtract(other)
operator <(DateTime other) → dynamic
Equivalent to isBefore(other)
operator <=(DateTime other) → dynamic
Equivalent to isBefore(other) || isAtSameMomentAs(other)
operator >(DateTime other) → dynamic
Equivalent to isAfter(other)
operator >=(DateTime other) → dynamic
Equivalent to isAfter(other) || isAtSameMomentAs(other)