setSearchField method

DynamicDocumentModel setSearchField({
  1. String key =,
  2. List<String> bigramKeys = const [, Const.text],
  3. List<String> tagKeys = const [Const.tag, Const.category],

Generates a field divided by a bi-gram for searching.

The key is the key to save the data for search.

The original data to be split into bigrams is specified by bigramKeys, and the data to be saved for tags is specified by tagKeys.


DynamicDocumentModel setSearchField({
  String key =,
  List<String> bigramKeys = const [, Const.text],
  List<String> tagKeys = const [Const.tag, Const.category],
}) {
  var tmp = "";
  for (final bigramKey in bigramKeys) {
    if (this[bigramKey] is! String) {
    tmp += this[bigramKey];
  for (final tagKey in tagKeys) {
    final tags = this[tagKey];
    if (tags is! List) {
    for (final tag in tags) {
      tmp += tag.toString();
  final res = <String, bool>{};
  tmp = tmp.toLowerCase();
  final bigramList = tmp.splitByBigram();
  for (final bigram in bigramList) {
    res[bigram] = true;
  final characterList = tmp.splitByCharacter();
  for (final character in characterList) {
    res[character] = true;
  this[key] = res;
  return this;