DynamicDocumentModelExtensions extension



deleteField(String key) DynamicDocumentModel
Set a value to delete the key field.
increment(String key, num value, {List<CounterUpdaterInterval> intervals = const []}) DynamicDocumentModel
Increments the value specified by key by value.
localized(String key, String orElse, {String? locale, String localizationValueKey = MetaConst.translate}) String
Get the translated data stored in key.
setNotificationField({required String title, required String text, required DateTime time, String timeKey = MetaConst.pushTime, String titleKey = MetaConst.pushName, String textKey = MetaConst.pushText}) DynamicDocumentModel
Create a field for notification.
setSearchField({String key = MetaConst.search, List<String> bigramKeys = const [Const.name, Const.text], List<String> tagKeys = const [Const.tag, Const.category]}) DynamicDocumentModel
Generates a field divided by a bi-gram for searching.
timestamp(String key) DynamicDocumentModel
Set the timestamp to key.