model_editors library


CapsuleListEditor<T, C extends ValueNotifier<T?>>
A controller for managing an unordered set of items. They can be added or deleted.
ColumnListEditor<T, C extends ValueNotifier<T?>>
EditorController<I, T extends WithId<I>, C extends ValueNotifier<T>>
A controller to switch between viewing and editing of a model.
EnumDropdownButton<T extends Enum>
ListEditingController<T, C extends ValueNotifier<T?>>
A controller for managing a list of other controllers.
MapEditingController<K, V, KC extends ValueNotifier<K?>, VC extends ValueNotifier<V?>>
A controller for managing a map of other controllers.
MapEntryController<K, V, KC extends ValueNotifier<K?>, VC extends ValueNotifier<V?>>
A controller for each entry in MapEditingController.
ModelViewOrEditRawWidget<I, T extends WithId<I>, C extends ValueNotifier<T>>
ModelViewOrEditWidget<I, T extends WithId<I>, C extends ValueNotifier<T>>
ReorderableCollectionEditor<T, C extends ChangeNotifier, CC extends CollectionEditingController<T, C>>
A widget to edit a collection.
WithIdTitleEditingController<I, T extends WithIdTitle<I>>
WrapListEditor<T, C extends ValueNotifier<T?>>


ReorderableListEditor<T, C extends ValueNotifier<T?>> = ReorderableCollectionEditor<List<T?>, C, ListEditingController<T, C>>
A widget to edit a list of T.
ReorderableMapEditor<K, V, KC extends ValueNotifier<K?>, VC extends ValueNotifier<V?>> = ReorderableCollectionEditor<Map<K, V?>, MapEntryController<K, V, KC, VC>, MapEditingController<K, V, KC, VC>>
A widget to edit a map of K and V.