publication library
- AllRestricted
- A UserRights which forbids any right.
- Collection
- Contributor Object for the Readium Web Publication Manifest.
- ContentProtectionService
- Contributor
- Contributor Object for the Readium Web Publication Manifest.
- CoverService
- Provides an easy access to a bitmap version of the publication cover.
- DefaultLocatorService
- Drm
- Encryption
- Indicates that a resource is encrypted/obfuscated and provides relevant information for decryption.
- EpubLayout
- Hints how the layout of the resource should be presented.
- FileAsset
- Represents a publication stored as a file on the local file system.
- GeneratedCoverService
- A CoverService which provides a unique cover for each Publication.
- ImageSize
- InMemoryCoverService
- A CoverService which uses a provided in-memory bitmap.
- Link
- Link to a resource, either relative to a Publication or external (remote).
- LinkPagination
- LocalizedString
- A potentially localized (multilingual) string.
- Locations
- One or more alternative expressions of the location.
- Locator
- Provides a precise location in a publication in a format that can be stored and shared.
- LocatorService
- Locates the destination of various sources (e.g. locators, progression, etc.) in the publication.
- LocatorText
- Textual context of the locator.
- Manifest
- Holds the metadata of a Readium publication, as described in the Readium Web Publication Manifest.
- Metadata
- PaginationInfosService
- PerResourcePositionsService
- Simple PositionsService for a Publication which generates one position per readingOrder resource.
- PositionsService
- Provides a list of discrete locations in the publication, no matter what the original format is.
- Presentation
- The Presentation Hints extension defines a number of hints for User Agents about the way content should be presented to the user.
- PresentationFit
- Suggested method for constraining a resource inside the viewport.
- PresentationOrientation
- Suggested orientation for the device when displaying the linked resource.
- PresentationOverflow
- Suggested method for handling overflow while displaying the linked resource.
- PresentationPage
- Indicates how the linked resource should be displayed in a reading environment that displays synthetic spreads.
- PresentationSpread
- Indicates the condition to be met for the linked resource to be rendered within a synthetic spread.
- Properties
- Set of properties associated with a Link.
- ProtectedAsset
- Holds the result of opening a File with a ContentProtection.
- Publication
- The Publication shared model is the entry-point for all the metadata and services related to a Readium publication.
- PublicationAsset
- Represents a digital medium (e.g. a file) offering access to a publication. */
- PublicationAssetDependencies
- PublicationBuilder
- Builds a Publication from its components.
- PublicationCollection
- Core Collection Model
- PublicationFormat
- Format of the Publication file.
- PublicationService
- Base interface to be implemented by all publication services.
- PublicationServiceContext
- Container for the context from which a service is created.
- ReadingProgression
- Direction of the Publication reading progression.
- ReadiumCSSName
- RootFile
- RouteHandler
- ServicesBuilder
- Builds a list of PublicationService from a collection of service factories.
- Subject
- Subject of a Publication.
- Translation
- Unrestricted
- A UserRights without any restriction.
- ContentProtection
- Bridge between a Content Protection technology and the Readium toolkit.
- UserRights
- Manages consumption of user rights and permissions.
- ContributorExtension on Contributor
- DoubleCheck on double?
- IntCheck on int?
on List<
Link> - LinkLocator on Link
- PageLinksPublication on Publication
- PublicationContentProtectionServiceExtension on Publication
- PublicationCoverExtension on Publication
- PublicationExtension on Publication
- PublicationLocatorExtension on Publication
- ServicesBuilderContentProtectionServiceExtension on ServicesBuilder
- ServicesBuilderExtension on ServicesBuilder
- ServicesBuilderLocatorExtension on ServicesBuilder
- ServicesBuilderPositionExtension on ServicesBuilder
on Map<
String, List< PublicationCollection> > - UserRightsExtension on UserRights
- appearanceName → const String
- appearanceRef → const String
- columnCountName → const String
- columnCountRef → const String
- fontFamilyName → const String
- fontFamilyRef → const String
- fontOverrideName → const String
- fontOverrideRef → const String
- fontSizeName → const String
- fontSizeRef → const String
- letterSpacingName → const String
- letterSpacingRef → const String
- lineHeightName → const String
- lineHeightRef → const String
- linkHrefNormalizerIdentity → const LinkHrefNormalizer
- Default href normalizer for Link, doing nothing.
- pageMarginsName → const String
- pageMarginsRef → const String
- publisherDefaultName → const String
- publisherDefaultRef → const String
- scrollName → const String
- scrollRef → const String
- textAlignmentName → const String
- textAlignmentRef → const String
- wordSpacingName → const String
- wordSpacingRef → const String
- LinkHrefNormalizer = String Function(String)
- Function used to recursively transform the href of a Link when parsing its JSON representation.
- ServiceFactory = PublicationService? Function(PublicationServiceContext)
Exceptions / Errors
- OpeningException
- Errors occurring while opening a Publication.
- UserException