OpdsPropertiesExtension extension



availability Availability?

Available on Properties, provided by the OpdsPropertiesExtension extension

Indicated the availability of a given resource.
no setter
copies Copies?

Available on Properties, provided by the OpdsPropertiesExtension extension

Library-specific feature that contains information about the copies that a library has acquired.
no setter
holds Holds?

Available on Properties, provided by the OpdsPropertiesExtension extension

Library-specific features when a specific book is unavailable but provides a hold list.
no setter
indirectAcquisitions List<Acquisition>

Available on Properties, provided by the OpdsPropertiesExtension extension

Indirect acquisition provides a hint for the expected media type that will be acquired after additional steps.
no setter
numberOfItems int?

Available on Properties, provided by the OpdsPropertiesExtension extension

Provides a hint about the expected number of items returned.
no setter
price Price?

Available on Properties, provided by the OpdsPropertiesExtension extension

The price of a publication is tied to its acquisition link.
no setter