Myanmar NRC Data and Utils Helpers

![pub package]


Support Android iOS


To use this plugin, add mm_nrc as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


Here are small examples that show you how to use the API.

Nrc nrc = MmNrc.splitNrc('12/LAMANA(N)123456');
print('State Code : ${nrc.stateCode}');
print('Township Code : ${nrc.townshipCode}');
print('Nrc Type : ${nrc.nrcType}');
print('Nrc Number : ${nrc.nrcNo}');

Get NRC States List

 List<StateDivision?> state = await MmNrc.states();

Get NRC Township List

 List<Township> townships = await MmNrc.townships();

Get NRC Types List

 List<Types> types = await MmNrc.types();

Get NRC State by state code

 StateDivision states = await MmNrc.getStateByStateCode(stateCode:nrc.stateCode );
 StateDivision states = await MmNrc.getStateByStateCode(stateCode:StateCode.YANGON.code );

 print('${states?.code} ${states?}');

Get NRC Township by state code . 1,2,3,4,5...

 Township township = await MmNrc.getNrcTownshipsByStateCode(stateCode:nrc.stateCode);
 Township township = await MmNrc.getNrcTownshipsByStateCode(stateCode:StateCode.YANGON.code );

Get NRC Township by short code

 Township township = await MmNrc.getNrcTownshipsByShortCode(shortCode: nrc.townshipCode);
 Township township = await MmNrc.getNrcTownshipsByShortCode(shortCode:"LAMANA");

Get NRC Township by short code

--nrctype-- N|E|P|T|Y|S
 Types type=await MmNrc.getNrcTypeByName(nrcType: 'N');

