ml_dataframe library


An in-memory storage to keep data in column-like manner with human readable headers with possibility to convert the data to pure numeric representation.
A named sequence of values that can be used as a column for the DataFrame.


defaultHeaderPrefix → const String


fromCsv(String fileName, {String columnDelimiter = defaultFieldDelimiter, String eol = '\n', bool headerExists = true, Iterable<String> header = const [], String autoHeaderPrefix = defaultHeaderPrefix, Iterable<int> columns = const [], Iterable<String> columnNames = const []}) Future<DataFrame>
Creates a DataFrame instance from a CSV file
fromJson(String fileName) Future<DataFrame>
Creates a DataFrame instance from a previously persisted json file
getHousingDataFrame() DataFrame
Returns a DataFrame instance filled with Boston housing dataset
getIrisDataFrame() DataFrame
Returns a DataFrame instance filled with Iris dataset
getPimaIndiansDiabetesDataFrame() DataFrame
Returns a DataFrame instance filled with Pima Indians diabetes dataset
getWineQualityDataFrame() DataFrame
Returns a DataFrame instance filled with Red Wine Quality dataset
loadIrisDataset() Future<DataFrame>
Returns a DataFrame instance filled with Iris dataset
loadPimaIndiansDiabetesDataset() Future<DataFrame>
Returns a DataFrame instance filled with Pima Indians diabetes dataset