track method

Future<bool> track({
  1. required String event,
  2. required Map<String, dynamic> properties,
  3. DateTime? time,
  4. String? ip,
  5. String? insertId,

Sends a request to track a specific event. Requests will be sent immediately. If you want to batch the events use MixpanelAnalytics.batch instead. event will be the name of the event. properties is a map with the properties to be sent. time is the date that will be added in the event. If not provided, current time will be used. ip is the ip property as explained in mixpanel documentation insertId is the $insert_id property as explained in mixpanel documentation


Future<bool> track({
  required String event,
  required Map<String, dynamic> properties,
  DateTime? time,
  String? ip,
  String? insertId,
}) async {
  final trackEvent = _createTrackEvent(
      event, properties, time ??, ip, insertId);

  if (isBatchMode) {
    // TODO: this should be place within an init() along within the constructor.
    // This is not perfect, as we are waiting for the caller to send an event before sending the stored in memory.
    // But doing it on an init() would be a breaking change.
    // To be executed only the first time user tries to send an event
    if (!_isQueuedEventsReadFromStorage) {
      await _restoreQueuedEventsFromStorage();
      _isQueuedEventsReadFromStorage = true;
    return _saveQueuedEventsToLocalStorage();

  final base64Event = _base64Encoder(trackEvent);
  return _sendTrackEvent(base64Event);