Style class

A utility class for managing a collection of styling attributes and variants.

The Style class is used to encapsulate a set of styling attributes and variants which can be applied to a widget. This class provides several factory constructors and utility methods to help create, manipulate, and merge collections of styling attributes and variants.


final style = Style(attribute1, attribute2, attribute3);
final updatedStyle = style.variant(myVariant);
Available Extensions


Style([Attribute? p1, Attribute? p2, Attribute? p3, Attribute? p4, Attribute? p5, Attribute? p6, Attribute? p7, Attribute? p8, Attribute? p9, Attribute? p10, Attribute? p11, Attribute? p12, Attribute? p13, Attribute? p14, Attribute? p15, Attribute? p16, Attribute? p17, Attribute? p18, Attribute? p19, Attribute? p20])
Creates a new Style instance with a specified list of Attributes.
Style.create(Iterable<Attribute> attributes)
Constructs a Style from an iterable of Attribute instances.
A constant, empty mix for use with const constructor widgets.


add → SpreadFunctionParams<Attribute, Style>
Allows to create a new Style by using this mix as a base and adding additional attributes.
no setter
applyVariant → SpreadFunctionParams<Variant, Style>
Selects a single or positional params list of Variant and returns a new Style with the selected variants.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isAnimated bool
no setter
isEmpty bool
Returns true if this Style does not contain any attributes or variants.
no setter
isNotEmpty bool
Returns false if this Style contains any attributes or variants.
no setter
length int
Returns the length of the list of attributes contained in this mix.
no setter
props List<Object?>
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
stringify bool
no setterinherited
styles AttributeMap<StyleAttribute>
Visual attributes contained in this mix.
values Iterable<Attribute>
Returns a list of all attributes contained in this mix.
no setter
variants AttributeMap<VariantAttribute<IVariant>>
The variant attributes contained in this mix.


addAll(Iterable<Attribute> attributes) Style
animate({Duration? duration, Curve? curve}) AnimatedStyle
Returns a AnimatedStyle from this Style with the provided duration and curve.
applyVariants(List<Variant> selectedVariants) Style
Selects multiple Variant instances and returns a new Style with the selected variants.
call() NestedStyleAttribute
Returns a new NestedStyleAttribute instance that wraps the current Style instance.
copyWith({AttributeMap<StyleAttribute>? styles, AttributeMap<VariantAttribute<IVariant>>? variants}) Style
Returns a new Style with the provided styles and variants merged with this mix's values.
getDiff(Comparable other) Map<String, String>
merge(Style? style) Style
Merges this mix with the provided Style instances and returns the resulting Style.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
of(BuildContext context) MixData
pickVariants(List<IVariant> pickedVariants, {bool isRecursive = false}) Style
Picks and applies only the attributes within the specified Variant instances, and returns a new Style.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

combine(Iterable<Style> mixes) Style
Combines a positional list of mixes into a single Style.