internal_models/message_delivered_status_model library


A class that represents the profile details of a member.
Represents the detailed status of a message, including delivery and read status.
A class that represents a list of participants with their profile details, message ID, and time.


convertMessageDeliveredStatusToJson(String? str) String
Converts a nullable JSON string to a MessageStatusDetail object or an empty string.
getContactType(String contactType) String
Converts the contact type string to a more descriptive string.
messageDeliveredStatusFromJson(String str) MessageStatusDetail
Parses JSON data to create a MessageStatusDetail object.
messageDeliveredStatusToJson(MessageStatusDetail data) String
Converts a MessageStatusDetail object to a JSON string.
messageReadStatusFromJson(String str) MessageStatusDetail
Parses JSON data to create a MessageStatusDetail object for message read status.
messageStatusDetailFromJson(String str) MessageStatusDetail
Parses JSON data to create a MessageStatusDetail object.