core/api library
The api is the Map of all the classes, enumerations of the framework
- Activity
- Application
- ButtonInteraction
- CategoryChannel
- ClientActivity
- ClientPresence
- Color
- Instance of colour. You can use a pre-designed colour panel
- CommandInteraction
- ContextMessageInteraction
- ContextUserInteraction
- Emoji
- Represents an Emoji on Guild context.
- ForumChannel
- Guild
- GuildChannel
- GuildMember
- GuildPreview
- GuildScheduledEvent
- ImageFormater
- Interaction
- MemberRoleManager
- Message
- MineralClient
- ModalInteraction
- ModerationAction
- ModerationActionMetadata
- ModerationRule
- ModerationTriggerMetadata
- NsfwLevel
- PartialChannel
- PartialTextChannel
- PermissionOverwrite
- PremiumTier
- Role
- ScheduledEventUser
- SelectMenuInteraction
- Status
- SuppressChannelFlag
- TextBasedChannel
- TextChannel
- ThreadChannel
- User
- VerificationLevel
- VoiceChannel
- VoiceManager
- Webhook
- ApplicationCommandType
- ChannelType
- ClientStatus
- ContextMenuType
- ExplicitContentFilterLevel
- GamePresence
- GuildFeature
- Intent
- InteractionType
- Locale
- MessageFlag
- ModerationActionType
- ModerationEventType
- ModerationPresetType
- ModerationTriggerType
- NotificationLevel
- Permission
- PermissionOverwriteType
- ScheduledEventEntityType
- ScheduledEventStatus
- StatusType
- SystemChannelFlags