Guild class


Guild(Snowflake _id, String _name, Snowflake _ownerId, ImageFormater? _icon, String? _iconHash, ImageFormater? _splash, ImageFormater? _discoverySplash, int? _permissions, Snowflake? _afkChannelId, int _afkTimeout, bool _widgetEnabled, Snowflake? _widgetChannelId, VerificationLevel _verificationLevel, int _defaultMessageNotifications, int _explicitContentFilter, GuildRoleManager _roles, int _mfaLevel, Snowflake? _applicationId, Snowflake? _systemChannelId, int _systemChannelFlags, Snowflake? _rulesChannelId, int? _maxPresences, int _maxMembers, String? _vanityUrlCode, String? _description, ImageFormater? _banner, int _premiumTier, int _premiumSubscriptionCount, String _preferredLocale, Snowflake? _publicUpdatesChannelId, int _maxVideoChannelUsers, int? _approximateMemberCount, int? _approximatePresenceCount, WelcomeScreen? _welcomeScreen, int _nsfwLevel, StickerManager _stickers, bool _premiumProgressBarEnabled, MemberManager _members, ChannelManager _channels, EmojiManager _emojis, List<GuildFeature> _features, ModerationRuleManager _moderationRules, GuildWebhookManager _webhooks, GuildScheduledEventManager _scheduledEvents)
Guild.from({required EmojiManager emojiManager, required MemberManager memberManager, required GuildRoleManager roleManager, required ChannelManager channelManager, required ModerationRuleManager moderationRuleManager, required WebhookManager webhookManager, required GuildScheduledEventManager guildScheduledEventManager, required dynamic payload})


afkChannel VoiceChannel?
getter/setter pair
afkChannelId Snowflake?
no setter
afkTimeout int
no setter
applicationId Snowflake?
no setter
approximateMemberCount int?
no setter
approximatePresenceCount int?
no setter
no setter
bots Map<Snowflake, GuildMember>
no setter
channels → ChannelManager
no setter
defaultMessageNotifications int
no setter
description String?
no setter
discoverySplash → ImageFormater?
no setter
emojis → EmojiManager
no setter
explicitContentFilter int
no setter
features List<GuildFeature>
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
icon → ImageFormater?
no setter
iconHash String?
no setter
id Snowflake
no setter
maxMembers int
no setter
maxPresences int?
no setter
maxVideoChannelUsers int
no setter
members → MemberManager
no setter
mfaLevel int
no setter
moderationRules → ModerationRuleManager
no setter
name String
no setter
nsfwLevel int
no setter
owner GuildMember
no setter
permissions int?
no setter
preferredLocale String
no setter
premiumProgressBarEnabled bool
no setter
premiumSubscriptionCount int
no setter
premiumTier int
no setter
publicUpdatesChannel TextChannel?
getter/setter pair
publicUpdatesChannelId Snowflake?
no setter
roles → GuildRoleManager
no setter
rulesChannel TextChannel?
getter/setter pair
rulesChannelId Snowflake?
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scheduledEvents → GuildScheduledEventManager
no setter
splash → ImageFormater?
no setter
stickers → StickerManager
no setter
systemChannel TextChannel?
getter/setter pair
systemChannelFlags int
no setter
systemChannelId Snowflake?
no setter
vanityUrlCode String?
no setter
verificationLevel → VerificationLevel
no setter
webhooks → GuildWebhookManager
no setter
welcomeScreen → WelcomeScreen?
no setter
widgetChannelId Snowflake?
no setter
widgetEnabled bool
no setter


ban(Snowflake memberId, {String? reason}) Future<bool>
Unbanned this from the Guild and deleted its messages for a given period
leave() Future<void>
Remove the discord client of this
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
preview() Future<GuildPreview>
removeBanner() Future<void>
Remove the banner of this
removeDiscoverySplash() Future<void>
Remove the discovery splash banner of this
removeIcon() Future<void>
Remove the icon of this
removeSplash() Future<void>
Remove the splash banner of this
setAfkChannel(VoiceChannel channel) Future<void>
Update the afk channel
setBanner(String filename) Future<void>
Update the banner of this
setDiscoverySplash(String filename) Future<void>
Update the discovery splash banner of this
setExplicitContentFilter(int level) Future<void>
Defines the explicit content level of this
setIcon(String filename) Future<void>
Update the icon of this
setMessageNotification(int level) Future<void>
Defines the notification level of this
setName(String name) Future<void>
Modifies the name of this.
setOwner(GuildMember guildMember) Future<void>
Update the owner of this
setPreferredLocale(Locale locale) Future<void>
Update preferred language of this
setPublicUpdateChannel(TextChannel channel) Future<void>
Update public updates channel of this
setRulesChannel(TextChannel channel) Future<void>
Update rules channel of this
setSplash(String filename) Future<void>
Update the splash banner of this
setSystemChannel(TextChannel channel) Future<void>
Update system channel of this
setVerificationLevel(VerificationLevel level) Future<void>
Modifies the verificationLevel of the current Guild.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.