SQLite gateway for migrant.
import 'package:migrant/migrant.dart';
import 'package:migrant/testing.dart';
import 'package:migrant_db_sqlite/migrant_db_sqlite.dart';
import 'package:sqflite_common/sqlite_api.dart' show inMemoryDatabasePath;
import 'package:sqflite_common_ffi/sqflite_ffi.dart' show databaseFactoryFfi;
Future<void> main() async {
// These are the migrations. We are using a simple in-memory source,
// but you may read them from other sources: local filesystem, network, etc.
// More options at https://pub.dev/packages/migrant
final migrations = InMemory([
Migration('0001', ['CREATE TABLE foo (id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY);']),
Migration('0002', ['ALTER TABLE foo ADD COLUMN message TEXT;']),
// Try adding more stuff here and running this example again.
// The SQLite connection. We're using a local file.
var connection = await databaseFactoryFfi.openDatabase(inMemoryDatabasePath);
// The gateway is provided by this package.
final gateway = SQLiteGateway(connection);
// Applying migrations.
await Database(gateway).upgrade(migrations);
// At this point the table "foo" is ready.