models/models library
- Address
- Represents a physical address.
- Attendee
- Represents an attendee in a calendar event.
- AttendeeAvailability
- Represents the availability status of an attendee in a calendar event.
- Calendar
- Represents a calendar.
- CalendarEvent
- Represents a calendar event.
- CalendarOwner
- Represents the owner of a calendar.
- Contact
- Represents a contact in the Microsoft Graph API.
- ContactFolder
- Represents a contact folder in the Microsoft Graph API.
- EmailAddress
- Represents an email address.
- GeoCoordinates
- Represents a geographical location using latitude and longitude coordinates.
- Location
- Represents a location for a calendar event.
- LocationConstraint
- Represents a location constraint for a calendar event.
- MeetingTimeSuggestion
- Represents a suggested meeting time.
- MeetingTimeSuggestionsResult
- Represents the result of a request for meeting time suggestions.
- Notebook
- Organizer
- Represents the organizer of an event.
- PhotoSize
- Provides a way to map PhotoSizeEnum values to their string counterparts.
- Room
- Represents a room in the Microsoft Graph API.
- RoomList
- Represents a list of rooms in the Microsoft Graph API.
- ScheduleInformation
- Represents the schedule information for an individual or a resource.
- ScheduleItem
- Represents an item on a schedule.
- ScheduleResponse
- Represents the response to a schedule request.
- Status
- Represents the status of an object.
- Time
- Represents a specific point in time, with an associated time zone.
- TimeConstraint
- Represents the time constraint of an event or activity.
- TimeSlot
- Represents a period of time, with a start and an end.
- TimeZone
- Represents a time zone.
- User
- Represents a user in the system.
- WorkingHours
- Represents the working hours of an individual.
- PhotoSizeEnum
- An enumeration of available photo sizes.