metaone_wallet_sdk library


The ColorsScheme of MetaOne SDK.
The configuration for the MetaOne SDK.
Wallet model


The status of the user session.


addUserContact(ContactRequest request) Future<Contact>
deleteUserContactWithId(String id) Future<bool?>
getCurrentColorScheme() Future<String>
getCurrentLanguage() Future<String>
getExpireAt() Future<DateTime>
Retrieves the expiration timestamp of the user session.
getPlatformName() Future<String>
Returns the name of the current platform.
getSessionActivityStatus() Future<SessionActivityStatus>
Retrieves the current session activity status.
getSupportedCurrencies() Future<List<FiatCurrency>>
getUserContacts() Future<List<Contact>>
Retrieves the user's contacts.
getUserContactWithId(String id) Future<Contact>
getUserCurrency() Future<String?>
getWallet(String id) Future<Wallet>
Retrieves a wallet by the provided id
getWallets() Future<List<Wallet>>
Retrieves the user's wallets.
initialize(MetaoneConfig sdkConfig) Future<void>
Initializes the MetaOne SDK by setting up the app configuration.
isSignatureSet() Future<bool>
Returns a bool response indicating if user's signature is set up
logInWithSSO(String token) Future<void>
Performs the login process by sending an authorization token.
logOut() Future<void>
Logs out the user by clearing the session data, signing out the wallet service.
openBrowser() Future<void>
Opens the browser
openBrowserWithUrl(String url) Future<void>
Opens the browser with preset url.
openWallet() Future<void>
Opens the wallet.
refreshSession() Future<void>
Refreshes the user session to extend the session expiration time.
sendTransaction(Wallet wallet, String address, String amount, WalletToken? asset, String? memo, String? personalNote) Future<bool?>
Trigger signing and sending of an asset from users wallet required parrameters users wallet wallet, receivers address address, sending amount amount and optional value for specific token asset.
setCurrentColorScheme(String colorScheme) Future<void>
setCurrentLanguage(String locale) Future<void>
setCustomSignatureIntroImage(String imagePath) Future<bool?>
setPrefix(String prefix) Future<void>
setupUserData() Future<void>
Sets up the user data.
setUserCurrency(String fiat) Future<bool?>
updateUserContact(String id, ContactRequest request) Future<bool?>


OnWalletCreatedCallback = void Function(Map<String, dynamic> walletData)

Exceptions / Errors

Exception thrown when the MetaOne SDK fails.
Exception thrown when the MetaOne SDK fails to fetch the user's wallets.
Exception thrown when the MetaOne SDK fails to fetch a wallet.