Discount class
A discount can be applied to a cart for promotional purposes.
- Annotations
- @JsonSerializable()
Discount({required String id, required String code, required bool isDynamic, String? ruleId, DiscountRule? rule, required bool isDisabled, String? parentDiscountId, Discount? parentDiscount, required String startsAt, String? endsAt, String? validDuration, List<
Region> ? regions, int? usageLimit, required int usageCount, required String createdAt, required String updatedAt, String? deletedAt, Map<String, dynamic> ? metadata}) -
String, dynamic> json) -
- code ↔ String
A unique code for the discount - this will be used by the customer to apply the discount
getter/setter pair
- createdAt ↔ String
The date with timezone at which the resource was created.
getter/setter pair
- deletedAt ↔ String?
The date with timezone at which the resource was deleted.
getter/setter pair
- endsAt ↔ String?
The time at which the discount can no longer be used.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- id ↔ String
The discount's ID
getter/setter pair
- isDisabled ↔ bool
Whether the Discount has been disabled. Disabled discounts cannot be applied to carts
getter/setter pair
- isDynamic ↔ bool
A flag to indicate if multiple instances of the discount can be generated. I.e. for newsletter discounts
getter/setter pair
↔ Map<
String, dynamic> ? -
An optional key-value map with additional details
getter/setter pair
- parentDiscount ↔ Discount?
The details of the parent discount that this discount was created from.
getter/setter pair
- parentDiscountId ↔ String?
The Discount that the discount was created from. This will always be a dynamic discount
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Region> ? -
The details of the regions in which the Discount can be used.
getter/setter pair
- rule ↔ DiscountRule?
The details of the discount rule that defines how the discount will be applied to a cart..
getter/setter pair
- ruleId ↔ String?
The ID of the discount rule that defines how the discount will be applied to a cart.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- startsAt ↔ String
The time at which the discount can be used.
getter/setter pair
- updatedAt ↔ String
The date with timezone at which the resource was updated.
getter/setter pair
- usageCount ↔ int
The number of times a discount has been used.
getter/setter pair
- usageLimit ↔ int?
The maximum number of times that a discount can be used.
getter/setter pair
- validDuration ↔ String?
Duration the discount runs between
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.