loadHeroUsers method

Future<List<User>> loadHeroUsers()

Returns the heroes as User objects. This is very useful if you want to make sure that all users are loaded from the database, that you need to correctly calculate the displayname and the avatar of the room.


Future<List<User>> loadHeroUsers() async {
  // For invite rooms request own user and invitor.
  if (membership == Membership.invite) {
    final ownUser = await requestUser(client.userID!, requestProfile: false);
    if (ownUser != null) await requestUser(ownUser.senderId);

  var heroes = summary.mHeroes;
  if (heroes == null) {
    final directChatMatrixID = this.directChatMatrixID;
    if (directChatMatrixID != null) {
      heroes = [directChatMatrixID];

  if (heroes == null) return [];

  return await Future.wait(heroes.map((hero) async =>
      (await requestUser(
        ignoreErrors: true,
      )) ??
      User(hero, room: this)));