startDirectChat method

Future<String> startDirectChat(
  1. String mxid, {
  2. bool? enableEncryption,
  3. List<StateEvent>? initialState,
  4. bool waitForSync = true,
  5. Map<String, dynamic>? powerLevelContentOverride,
  6. CreateRoomPreset? preset = CreateRoomPreset.trustedPrivateChat,

Returns an existing direct room ID with this user or creates a new one. By default encryption will be enabled if the client supports encryption and the other user has uploaded any encryption keys.


Future<String> startDirectChat(
  String mxid, {
  bool? enableEncryption,
  List<StateEvent>? initialState,
  bool waitForSync = true,
  Map<String, dynamic>? powerLevelContentOverride,
  CreateRoomPreset? preset = CreateRoomPreset.trustedPrivateChat,
}) async {
  // Try to find an existing direct chat
  final directChatRoomId = getDirectChatFromUserId(mxid);
  if (directChatRoomId != null) {
    final room = getRoomById(directChatRoomId);
    if (room != null) {
      if (room.membership == Membership.join) {
        return directChatRoomId;
      } else if (room.membership == Membership.invite) {
        // we might already have an invite into a DM room. If that is the case, we should try to join. If the room is
        // unjoinable, that will automatically leave the room, so in that case we need to continue creating a new
        // room. (This implicitly also prevents the room from being returned as a DM room by getDirectChatFromUserId,
        // because it only returns joined or invited rooms atm.)
        await room.join();
        if (room.membership != Membership.leave) {
          if (waitForSync) {
            if (room.membership != Membership.join) {
              // Wait for room actually appears in sync with the right membership
              await waitForRoomInSync(directChatRoomId, join: true);
          return directChatRoomId;

  enableEncryption ??=
      encryptionEnabled && await userOwnsEncryptionKeys(mxid);
  if (enableEncryption) {
    initialState ??= [];
    if (!initialState.any((s) => s.type == EventTypes.Encryption)) {
        content: {
          'algorithm': supportedGroupEncryptionAlgorithms.first,
        type: EventTypes.Encryption,

  // Start a new direct chat
  final roomId = await createRoom(
    invite: [mxid],
    isDirect: true,
    preset: preset,
    initialState: initialState,
    powerLevelContentOverride: powerLevelContentOverride,

  if (waitForSync) {
    final room = getRoomById(roomId);
    if (room == null || room.membership != Membership.join) {
      // Wait for room actually appears in sync
      await waitForRoomInSync(roomId, join: true);

  await Room(id: roomId, client: this).addToDirectChat(mxid);

  return roomId;