getDirectChatFromUserId method

String? getDirectChatFromUserId(
  1. String userId

Returns the (first) room ID from the store which is a private chat with the user userId. Returns null if there is none.


String? getDirectChatFromUserId(String userId) {
  final directChats = _accountData['']?.content[userId];
  if (directChats is List<dynamic> && directChats.isNotEmpty) {
    final potentialRooms = directChats
        .where((room) => room != null && room.membership == Membership.join);
    if (potentialRooms.isNotEmpty) {
      return potentialRooms.fold<Room>(potentialRooms.first!,
          (Room prev, Room? r) {
        if (r == null) {
          return prev;
        final prevLast = prev.lastEvent?.originServerTs ?? DateTime(0);
        final rLast = r.lastEvent?.originServerTs ?? DateTime(0);

        return rLast.isAfter(prevLast) ? r : prev;
  for (final room in rooms) {
    if (room.membership == Membership.invite &&
        room.getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, userID!)?.senderId == userId &&
        room.getState(EventTypes.RoomMember, userID!)?.content['is_direct'] ==
            true) {
  return null;