MatomoTracker class


This is only used for testing purpose, because testing singleton is hard.


contentBase String
URL for the current action.
cookieless bool
no setter
currentScreenId String?
6 character unique ID that identifies which actions were performed on a specific page view.
getter/setter pair
customHeaders Map<String, String>
Custom http headers to add to each request.
getAuthToken String?
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
initialized bool
no setter
log → Logger
optOut bool
no setter
queue Queue<MatomoEvent>
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
screenResolution Size
The resolution of the device the visitor is using, eg 1280x1024.
session ↔ Session
siteId int
timer Timer
getter/setter pair
url String
userAgent String?
The user agent is used to detect the operating system and browser used.
visitor Visitor
no setter


clear() → void
Clear the following data from the local storage:
dispatchEvents() FutureOr<void>
Iterate on the events in the queue and send them to Matomo.
dispose() → void
Cancel the timer which checks the queued events to send. (This will not clear the queue.)
getUserAgent({DeviceInfoPlugin? deviceInfoPlugin}) Future<String?>
initialize({required int siteId, required String url, String? visitorId, String? contentBaseUrl, int dequeueInterval = 10, String? tokenAuth, LocalStorage? localStorage, PackageInfo? packageInfo, PlatformInfo? platformInfo, bool cookieless = false, Level verbosityLevel =, Map<String, String> customHeaders = const {}}) Future<void>
Initialize the tracker.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pause() → void
resume() → void
setOptOut({required bool optOut}) Future<void>
setVisitorUserId(String? userId) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
trackCartUpdate(List<TrackingOrderItem>? trackingOrderItems, num? subTotal, num? taxAmount, num? shippingCost, num? discountAmount, {Map<String, String>? dimensions}) → void
trackDimensions(Map<String, String> dimensions) → void
trackEvent({required String eventCategory, required String action, String? eventName, int? eventValue, Map<String, String>? dimensions}) → void
trackGoal(int goalId, {double? revenue, Map<String, String>? dimensions}) → void
trackOrder(String? orderId, List<TrackingOrderItem>? trackingOrderItems, num? revenue, num? subTotal, num? taxAmount, num? shippingCost, num? discountAmount, {Map<String, String>? dimensions}) → void
trackScreen(BuildContext context, {required String eventName, String? currentScreenId, String? path, Map<String, String>? dimensions}) → void
This will register an event with trackScreenWithName by using the context.widget.toStringShort() value.
trackScreenWithName({required String widgetName, required String eventName, String? currentScreenId, String? path, Map<String, String>? dimensions}) → void
Register an event with eventName as the event's name and widgetName as the event's action.
trackSearch({required String searchKeyword, String? searchCategory, int? searchCount, Map<String, String>? dimensions}) → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance MatomoTracker