confirm method

bool confirm(
  1. String? message, {
  2. bool defaultValue = false,

Prompts user with a yes/no question.

This method requires a terminal to be attached to stdout. See


bool confirm(String? message, {bool defaultValue = false}) {
  final suffix = ' ${darkGray.wrap('(${defaultValue.toYesNo()})')}';
  final resolvedMessage = '$message$suffix ';
  String? input;
  try {
    input = _readLineSync();
  } on FormatException catch (_) {
    // FormatExceptions can occur due to utf8 decoding errors
    // so we treat them as the user pressing enter (e.g. use `defaultValue`).
  final response = input == null || input.isEmpty
      ? defaultValue
      : input.toBoolean() ?? defaultValue;
  final lines = resolvedMessage.split('\n').length - 1;
  final prefix =
      lines > 1 ? '\x1b[A\u001B[2K\u001B[${lines}A' : '\x1b[A\u001B[2K';
    '''$prefix$resolvedMessage${styleDim.wrap(lightCyan.wrap(response ? 'Yes' : 'No'))}''',
  return response;