chooseOne<T extends Object?> method

T chooseOne<T extends Object?>(
  1. String? message, {
  2. required List<T> choices,
  3. T? defaultValue,
  4. String display(
    1. T choice

Prompts user with message to choose one value from the provided choices.

An optional defaultValue can be specified. The defaultValue must be one of the provided choices.

This method requires a terminal to be attached to stdout. See


T chooseOne<T extends Object?>(
  String? message, {
  required List<T> choices,
  T? defaultValue,
  String Function(T choice)? display,
}) {
  final resolvedDisplay = display ?? (value) => '$value';
  final hasDefault =
      defaultValue != null && resolvedDisplay(defaultValue).isNotEmpty;
  var index = hasDefault ? choices.indexOf(defaultValue) : 0;

  void writeChoices() {
      // save cursor
      // hide cursor

    for (final choice in choices) {
      final isCurrent = choices.indexOf(choice) == index;
      final checkBox = isCurrent ? lightCyan.wrap('◉') : '◯';
      if (isCurrent) {
          ..write(' $checkBox  ${lightCyan.wrap(resolvedDisplay(choice))}');
      } else {
          ..write(' ')
          ..write(' $checkBox  ${resolvedDisplay(choice)}');
      if (choices.last != choice) {

    ..echoMode = false
    ..lineMode = false;


  T? result;
  while (result == null) {
    final key = _readKey();
    final isArrowUpOrKKey =
        key.controlChar == ControlCharacter.arrowUp || key.char == 'k';
    final isArrowDownOrJKey =
        key.controlChar == ControlCharacter.arrowDown || key.char == 'j';
    final isReturnOrEnterOrSpaceKey =
        key.controlChar == ControlCharacter.ctrlJ ||
            key.controlChar == ControlCharacter.ctrlM ||
            key.char == ' ';

    if (isArrowUpOrKKey) {
      index = (index - 1) % (choices.length);
    } else if (isArrowDownOrJKey) {
      index = (index + 1) % (choices.length);
    } else if (isReturnOrEnterOrSpaceKey) {
        ..lineMode = true
        ..echoMode = true;

        // restore cursor
        // clear to end of screen
        // show cursor
        ..write('$message ')

      result = choices[index];

    // restore cursor

  return result!;