syncCollection method

Future<Map<String, DynamicMap>?> syncCollection(
  1. ModelAdapterCollectionQuery query,
  2. Map<String, DynamicMap>? value, {
  3. String? prefix,

Stores value in the path corresponding to query and then returns value.

Used to synchronize NoSqlDatabase with other databases. (Strictly speaking, the given value is stocked, not synchronized.)

prefix can be specified to prefix the path.


他のデータベースとNoSqlDatabaseを同期するために利用します。 (厳密には同期ではなく与えられた値をストックしていきます。)



Future<Map<String, DynamicMap>?> syncCollection(
  ModelAdapterCollectionQuery query,
  Map<String, DynamicMap>? value, {
  String? prefix,
}) async {
  _addCollectionListener(query, prefix: prefix);
  await _initialize();
  final trimPath = _path(query.query.path, prefix);
  final paths = trimPath.split("/");
  if (paths.isEmpty || value == null) {
    return value;
  final isCollectionGroup = query.query.isCollectionGroup;
  for (final tmp in value.entries) {
    final key = tmp.key;
    final val = Map<String, dynamic>.from(tmp.value);
    data._writeToPath([...paths, key], 0, val);
  final newValue = data._readFromPath(paths, 0);
  if (newValue is! DynamicMap) {
    return null;
  final limitValue = query.query.filters
      .firstWhereOrNull((e) => e.type == ModelQueryFilterType.limit)
      ?.value as int?;
  final entries = query.query.sort(
          (key, value) {
            // ignore: unnecessary_type_check
            if (value is! Map) {
              return null;
            return MapEntry(
              Map<String, dynamic>.from(value),
          (element) =>
              element != null && query.query.hasMatchAsMap(element.value),
  final limited = entries.sublist(
    limitValue != null ? min(limitValue, entries.length) : null,
  if (isCollectionGroup) {
    _collectionGroupEntries[query.origin] = List.from(limited);
  } else {
    _collectionEntries[query.origin] = List.from(limited);
  await onSaved?.call(this);
  return limited.toMap((item) => MapEntry(item.key, item.value));