masamune library
An application development framework centered on automatic code generation using build_runner.
To use, import package:masamune/masamune.dart
- AccessTokenValue
- Returns the result of an access token.
- AllowCreateModelPermissionQuery
- Define a query to validate data permissions.
- AllowCreateModelValidationQuery
- Define the validation query to be used by DatabaseValidator.
- AllowDeleteModelPermissionQuery
- Define a query to validate data permissions.
- AllowDeleteModelValidationQuery
- Allows only document deletion.
- AllowReadCollectionModelPermissionQuery
- Define a query to validate data permissions.
- AllowReadCollectionModelValidationQuery
- Allows reading (collections only).
- AllowReadDocumentModelPermissionQuery
- Define a query to validate data permissions.
- AllowReadDocumentModelValidationQuery
- Allows reading (documents).
- AllowReadModelPermissionQuery
- Define a query to validate data permissions.
- AllowReadModelValidationQuery
- Allow all reads (documents and collections).
- AllowUpdateModelPermissionQuery
- Define a query to validate data permissions.
- AllowUpdateModelValidationQuery
- Allows only document updates.
- AllowWriteModelPermissionQuery
- Define a query to validate data permissions.
- AllowWriteModelValidationQuery
- Allows only document creation.
- AnonymouslyAuthQuery
for anonymous authentication. - AnonymouslySignInAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.signIn.
- Api
- Provides static methods for making HTTP requests.
- AppBarThemeExtension
- Extended theme to extend the AppBar theme.
- AppCupertinoLocalizationsDelegate
- Class of LocalizationsDelegate for Cupertino.
- AppLocalizationSettings
- Class for retrieving the default LocalizationsDelegate.
- AppLocalizeBase
- Base class for building the localized configuration of the application.
- AppMaterialLocalizationsDelegate
- Class of LocalizationsDelegate for Material.
T> - Default PageRoute.
- AppRef
- ScopedValue in the scope of the application.
- AppRoute
- Automatically generates routing for the entire application.
- AppRouter
- Controller to define routing for the entire app.
- AppRouteScope
- InheritedWidget for placing AppRouter on the widget tree.
- AppScoped
- Place it close to the route (e.g., on top of MaterialApp) to use state management in the app.
Result> - ScopedQuery available at app scope.
Result, Param> - You can pass one parameter AppScopedQuery.
- AppScopedValueListener
- ScopedValueListener that targets the app.
- AppScopedValueOrAppRef
- AppRef or AppScopedValueRef to store state in App scope.
- AppScopedValueRef
- ScopedValueRef of the application.
- AppTheme
- Annotation to be given to the theme of the application.
- AppThemeData
- Set the theme of the application.
- AppThemeScope
- InheritedWidget for placing AppThemeData on the widget tree.
- AppWidgetsLocalizationsDelegate
- Class of LocalizationsDelegate for Widget.
- Asset
- A class that provides utilities for handling assets without much awareness of their source location (on the network, on the terminal, in the asset folder).
- AssetTextProvider
- Provider to load text files from assets and display them in widgets, etc.
- AssetThemeData
- Defines a list of asset paths.
- AssetVideoProvider
- Provider to load video files from assets and display them in widgets.
T> - This class is used to asynchronously retrieve values returned from CollectionBase.aggregate, etc.
- AuthAction
- Base class that allows callbacks to be planted for sign-in and sign-out.
- AuthActionQuery
- Class for implementing callbacks from Authentication or AuthAdapter during authentication.
- AuthAdapter
- Adapters to change the behavior of authentication on different platforms.
- AuthAdapterScope
- Place it on top of MaterialApp, etc., and set AuthAdapter for the entire app.
- AuthDatabase
- A database for managing authentication information locally.
- Authentication
- Authentication implemented by AuthAdapter.
- AuthExporter
- Import and export DynamicMap data used in AuthDatabase to external files.
- AuthInitialValue
- Class for entering initial values for authentication information.
- AuthProvider
- An adapter used to execute various methods of Authentication.
- AvatarTile
- Tiles for displaying profiles and other overviews.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for bool.
- BootRef
- Class for special processing at boot time, which can be obtained from BootRouteQueryBuilder.
- BootRouteQueryBuilder
- RouteQueryBuilder for building the boot page (the page that is displayed only when the application is launched).
- CardTile
- A widget for displaying an image or text over a card widget.
- ChangeAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.change.
- ChangeEmailAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.change.
Result extends Listenable?> - ChangeNotifierScopedQuery available at app scope.
Result extends Listenable?, Param> - You can pass one parameter ChangeNotifierAppScopedQuery.
Result extends Listenable?> - ChangeNotifierScopedQuery available at page scope.
Result extends Listenable?, Param> - You can pass one parameter ChangeNotifierPageScopedQuery.
Result extends Listenable?> - ChangeNotifierScopedQuery makes it possible to define values globally and manage states individually and safely.
Result, TRef extends Ref> - Base class that can specify the type of the provider part of ScopedQuery.
Result extends Listenable?, Param> - You can pass one parameter ChangeNotifierScopedQuery.
Result extends Listenable?, TRef extends Ref, Param> - You can pass one parameter ChangeNotifierScopedQuery.
Result extends Listenable?> - ChangeNotifierScopedQuery available in the widget scope.
Result extends Listenable?, Param> - You can pass one parameter ChangeNotifierWidgetScopedQuery.
- ChangePasswordAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.change.
- ChangePhoneNumberAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.change.
- ChatTile
- This widget is used to create a chat screen.
TModel extends DocumentBase> - Define a collection model that includes DocumentBase as an element.
- CollectionModelPath
- Annotation to create a collection model.
- CollectionModelQuery
- Query class for defining Model.
- ColorThemeData
- Define a color scheme.
T> - A way to produce Future objects and to complete them later with a value or error.
- ConfirmChangeAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.confirmChange.
- ConfirmChangePhoneNumberAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.confirmChange.
- ConfirmSignInAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.confirmSignIn.
- ConsoleLoggerAdapter
- LoggerAdapter for outputting logs to the console.
- Controller
- Annotation for creating queries for controllers.
- ControllerGroup
- Annotation to create a query for a group of controllers.
TController extends Listenable> - Base class for creating state-to-state usage queries for controllers that are code-generated by the builder.
- CreateAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.create.
- Credential
- Interface that represents the credentials returned by an auth provider. Implementations specify the details about each auth provider's credential requirements.
- CsvCollectionSourceModelAdapter
- A database adapter that uses CSV files as a data source.
- CsvDocumentSourceModelAdapter
- A database adapter that uses CSV files as a data source.
- CsvSourceModelAdapter
- A database adapter that uses CSV files as a data source.
- CsvSourceModelBatchRef
- ModelBatchRef for CsvSourceModelAdapter.
- CsvSourceModelTransactionRef
- ModelTransactionRef for CsvSourceModelAdapter.
- DatabaseExporter
- Import and export DynamicMap data used in NoSqlDatabase to external files.
- DatabaseValidator
- An object that validates information in the database.
- DateDuration
- A class that represents a date period.
- DateFormat
- DateFormat is for formatting and parsing dates in a locale-sensitive manner.
- DirectAuthQuery
for debugging authentication. - DirectSignInAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.signIn.
T> -
Define a document model for storing
types that inherit from ChangeNotifier. - DocumentImageProviderBuilder
- Class for providing implementation of Asset.image.
- DocumentModelPath
- Annotation for creating a documentation model.
- DocumentModelQuery
- Query class for defining Model.
- DocumentTextProviderBuilder
- Class for providing implementation of Asset.text.
- DynamicModelInitialCollection
- ModelInitialCollection using DynamicMap.
- DynamicModelInitialDocument
- ModelInitialDocument using DynamicMap.
- EmailAndPasswordAuthQuery
to authenticate by email and password. - EmailAndPasswordChangeEmailAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.change.
- EmailAndPasswordChangePasswordAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.change.
- EmailAndPasswordCreateAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.create.
- EmailAndPasswordReAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.reauth.
- EmailAndPasswordRegisterAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.register.
- EmailAndPasswordResetAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.reset.
- EmailAndPasswordSignInAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.signIn.
- EmailAndPasswordVerifyAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.verify.
- EmailLinkAuthQuery
for link authentication via email. - EmailLinkChangeEmailAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.change.
- EmailLinkConfirmSignInAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.confirmSignIn.
- EmailLinkSignInAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.signIn.
- EmailLinkVerifyAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.verify.
- Empty
- Creates a box that will become as small as its parent allows.
- FileStorage
- Class for using storage functions in local storage.
- FileTextProvider
- Provider to load text files from local and display them in widgets, etc.
- FontThemeData
- Define font themes.
- FormAddPageScopedWidget
- Abstract class for implementing a new add page for form widgets used for both adding new ones and editing existing ones.
- FormAffixStyle
- Class for defining prefix and suffix of text form.
T, TValue> - A builder that can freely change the UI within a form.
T, TValue> - Controller class for FormBuilder.
- FormButton
- Create buttons for forms.
TValue> - This widget is used to display a check box and save the check or not.
TValue> - Form to allow text to be entered and saved separately as Chip.
T> - Class for adding and removing Chip.
TValue> - Context for using the form.
TModel> - Base class for creating state-to-state usage queries for FormController that are code-generated by the builder.
TValue> - A form to have the date (month and day) selected.
- FormDateFieldPicker
- Class that defines a picker style for selecting dates.
TValue> - A form to have the date and time selected.
- FormDateTimeFieldDateDelegate
- Let the user select only dates FormDateTimeFieldDelegate.
- FormDateTimeFieldDateTimeDelegate
- Let the date and time be selected together FormDateTimeFieldDelegate.
- FormDateTimeFieldDelegate
- A delegate where the form picker and formatter are defined.
TValue> - Form to have a range of dates selected.
- FormDateTimeRangeFieldCustomDelegate
- FormDateTimeRangeFieldDelegate that allows specifying pickers that can be selected by pickerBuilder.
- FormDateTimeRangeFieldDateDelegate
- Let the user select only dates FormDateTimeRangeFieldDelegate.
- FormDateTimeRangeFieldDelegate
- A delegate where the form picker and formatter are defined.
TValue> - Form to have the duration selected.
- FormDurationFieldPicker
- Class that defines the picker style for selecting spacing.
- FormEditableToggleBuilder
- Combined with FormTextField, it can be used to control whether or not editing is allowed.
- FormEditPageScopedWidget
- Abstract class to implement the existing edit page of a form widget used to both add new and edit existing.
TEnum extends Enum, TValue> -
Drop-down form to select from all elements in
. -
TEnum extends Enum> -
Class that defines the picker style for selecting
. -
TEnum extends Enum, TValue> -
Form to select from all elements in
. -
TEnum extends Enum> -
Class that defines the picker style for selecting
. - FormFocusNodeBuilder
- Builder to hold and provide FocusNode.
T extends Object, TValue> - A form that waits for another process to complete and updates the value of the form based on that value.
T extends Object, TValue> - You can perform various operations used in FormFutureField.builder.
- FormLabel
- Displays the label for each item on the form.
T, TValue> - A builder that can add and delete forms.
T, TValue> - Controller class for FormListBuilder.
TValue> - Drop down form to select from there with Map as an option.
- FormMapDropdownFieldPicker
- Class that defines the picker style for selection from Map.
TValue> - Form to select from there with Map as an option.
- FormMapFieldPicker
- Class that defines the picker style for selection from Map.
TValue> - Drop down form to select from there with Map as an option.
- FormMapTagDropdownFieldPicker
- Class that defines a picker style to select from Map for tags.
T> - Class that defines the reference for FormMapTagDropdownField.
TValue> - Form for submitting images and videos. Single media can be submitted.
TValue> - Class for controlling FormMedia.
- FormMediaValue
- Class for values when handling media in forms.
TValue> - A form to have the date (year and month) selected.
- FormMonthFieldPicker
- Class that defines a picker style for selecting dates.
TValue> - Form for submitting images and videos. Multiple media can be submitted.
- FormMultiMediaDelegate
- A delegate to determine the design of FormMultiMedia.
- FormMultiMediaInlineDelegate
- A delegate to build FormMultiMedia with a type design that fits inline with the form.
- FormMultiMediaListTileDelegate
- A delegate to build a FormMultiMedia with a design of the type arranged in a list.
TValue> - Class for controlling FormMultiMedia.
TValue> - A form to let you select a numerical value.
- FormNumFieldPicker
- Class that defines a picker style for selecting numbers.
- FormPasswordBuilder
- Combined with FormTextField, it can be used to control the visibility of passwords.
TValue> - Widget for Pin text field for forms.
TValue> - Widget to display & edit by number of stars by passing double.
- FormRef
- A reference scoped to the form passed from
- FormScopedWidget
- Abstract class to implement the View portion of the form widget used to both add new and edit existing forms.
- FormStyle
- Class for defining styles for Form.
- FormStyleContainer
- Provides a container with FormStyle applied.
- FormStyleScope
- Scope for FormStyle.
TValue> - This widget is used to display switches and save ON/OFF of switches.
- FormTextEditingControllerBuilder
- Builder to hold and provide TextEditingController.
TValue> - Widgets for text fields for forms.
- FormValue
- Create a query to retrieve form controllers.
- Functions
- An interface for executing server-side processing.
TResponse> - Actions used in Functions.
- FunctionsActionResponse
- Class for defining the value returned when executed by FunctionsAction.
- FunctionsAdapter
- An adapter to provide an interface to perform server-side processing.
- FunctionsAdapterScope
- FunctionsAdapter for the entire app by placing it on top of MaterialApp, etc.
- FunctionStub
- Class for stubbing specific functions used in RuntimeFunctionsAdapter.
T> -
Object returned when
is executed. - GeoValue
- Data to store location information.
- GoogleSpreadSheetDataSource
- Create a data source adapter based on a Google spreadsheet.
- GoogleSpreadSheetLocalize
- Annotation for automatic creation of multilingualization codes based on Google spreadsheets.
- GradientColor
- You can add gradient elements to the theme's color settings.
T> - Draw a grid list with elements generated from builder given source.
- HiddenPage
- Pages to be used in nested navigators instead of at the top level or to intentionally not set URLs.
- ImageProviderBuilder
- Class for providing implementation of Asset.image.
- Immutable
- Used to annotate a class.
- Indent
- A widget for setting padding between elements in a Column or ListView.
- InitialRouteInformation
- JsonCollectionSourceModelAdapter
- A database adapter that uses Json files as a data source.
- JsonDocumentSourceModelAdapter
- A database adapter that uses Json files as a data source.
- JsonParam
- Ensure that serializable parameters can be successfully serialized to Json.
- JsonSourceModelAdapter
- A database adapter that uses Json files as a data source.
- JsonSourceModelBatchRef
- ModelBatchRef for JsonSourceModelBatchRef.
- JsonSourceModelTransactionRef
- ModelTransactionRef for JsonSourceModelTransactionRef.
- Label
- Widget for displaying labels used for item titles, etc.
- LineTile
- Items can be listed on the left and right ListTile.
- LineTileGroup
- A widget that groups ListTile and LineTile for display.
T> - If source is given, each of its elements is displayed side by side in builder.
T extends Listenable> - A widget that monitors changes in Listenable and updates the contents of builder when there is a change.
- Listenables
Annotation to create a class to put together
. -
TValue, TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for List.
- LoadingBuilder
- Pass multiple Future/FutureOr/Null data and display loading or CircularProgressIndicator until all completions are completed.
- LocalAuthAdapter
- Authentication adapter that stores data on the local terminal.
- Locale
- An identifier used to select a user's language and formatting preferences.
- LocalFile
- Class for handling local files and real data.
T> -
A factory for a set of localized resources of type
, to be loaded by a Localizations widget. -
T> - Class for restricting the types of values that can be stored in LocalizedValue.
T> - Class for storing translation data.
- LocalizeScope
- Widget to detect localization changes.
- LocalLoggerAdapter
- Logging can be done locally on the terminal LoggerAdapter.
- LocalModelAdapter
- A database adapter that stores data on a local terminal.
- LocalModelBatchRef
- ModelBatchRef for LocalModelAdapter.
- LocalModelTransactionRef
- ModelTransactionRef for LocalModelAdapter.
- LocalStorageAdapter
- StorageAdapter for handling files in local storage.
- Loggable
- Interface for objects that can be passed directly to Logger.send.
- Logger
- Used for active logging.
- LoggerAdapter
- Base class for defining platform adapters for storing logs.
- LoggerAdapterScope
- Place it on top of MaterialApp, etc., and set LoggerAdapter for the entire app.
- LoggerDatabase
- A simple database for logging information.
- LoggerExporter
- Import and export DynamicMap data used in LoggerDatabase to external files.
- LoggerTrace
- LoggerTraceValue
- Base class for tracing logs and measuring performance.
- LogValue
- Class for defining log values for viewing.
TValue, TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for Map.
- MasamuneAdapter
- Adapter for easily adding functions to Masamune Framework.
TAdapter extends MasamuneAdapter> - MasamuneAdapter for the entire app by placing it on top of MaterialApp, etc.
- MasamuneApp
- MaterialApp for Masamune Framework.
TValue, TAdapter extends MasamuneAdapter> - Abstract class to inherit when you want to create a controller using MasamuneAdapter.
- MemoizedAssetSvgImageProvider
- Class that can handle Svg files as ImageProvider.
- MemoizedFileSvgImageProvider
- Class that can handle Svg files as ImageProvider.
- MemoizedNetworkSvgImageProvider
- Class that can handle Svg files as ImageProvider.
- MemoryStorage
- Class for using storage functions on runtime memory.
- MessageBox
- A box for displaying messages.
- MimeTypeValue
- Class that defines the MimeType.
- Modal
- Provides easy modal functionality.
- ModalRef
- Class for controlling Modal.
- ModelAccessQuery
- Stores information for accessing the server.
- ModelAdapter
- You can implement adapters that define the internal specifications of the model.
- ModelAdapterCollectionQuery
- Query class to be passed when executing each function of ModelAdapter.
- ModelAdapterDocumentQuery
- Query class to be passed when executing each function of ModelAdapter.
- ModelAdapterScope
- Widget for setting ModelAdapter.
TValue extends AsyncAggregateValue> - A query to output an aggregate of the documents in a collection.
TModel extends DocumentBase> - Builder for batch processing.
T> - Documentation class for batch.
T> - Builder for batch processing.
- ModelBatchRef
- Reference class for batching.
- ModelCounter
- Define the field as a counter.
- ModelCounterConverter
- ModelFieldValueConverter to enable automatic conversion of ModelCounter as ModelFieldValue.
- ModelCounterFilter
- Filter class to make ModelCounter available to ModelQuery.filters.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for ModelCounter.
- ModelDatabaseConditionQuery
- Base class for creating queries to access the database.
- ModelDatabaseQuery
- Base class for creating queries to access the database.
- ModelDatabaseQueryGroup
- A query group that summarizes ModelDatabaseQuery.
- ModelDate
- Define the field as a date.
- ModelDateConverter
- ModelFieldValueConverter to enable automatic conversion of ModelDate as ModelFieldValue.
- ModelDateFilter
- Filter class to make ModelDate available to ModelQuery.filters.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for ModelDate.
T> - Class for defining special field values.
T extends ModelFieldValue> - Use this when registering special classes in ModelFieldValue.
T extends ModelFieldValue> - Adapter class for determining the behavior of ModelFieldValue in ModelQuery.filters.
- ModelGeoValue
- Define a model GeoValue that stores location information.
- ModelGeoValueConverter
- ModelFieldValueConverter to enable automatic conversion of ModelGeoValue as ModelFieldValue.
- ModelGeoValueFilter
- Filter class to make ModelGeoValue available to ModelQuery.filters.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for ModelGeoValue.
- ModelImageUri
- Define the field as an image URI.
- ModelImageUriConverter
- ModelFieldValueConverter to enable automatic conversion of ModelImageUri as ModelFieldValue.
- ModelImageUriFilter
- Filter class to make ModelImageUri available to ModelQuery.filters.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for ModelImageUri.
T> -
Data to be passed to
of various ModelAdapter. -
T> -
Data to be passed to
of various ModelAdapter. -
T> -
Base class for data to be passed to various ModelAdapter
. - ModelLocale
- Define a model Locale that stores the locale.
- ModelLocaleConverter
- ModelFieldValueConverter to enable automatic conversion of ModelLocale as ModelFieldValue.
- ModelLocaleFilter
- Filter class to make ModelLocale available to ModelQuery.filters.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for ModelLocale.
- ModelLocalizedValue
- Define a model LocalizedValue that stores locale and text pairs.
- ModelLocalizedValueConverter
- ModelFieldValueConverter to enable automatic conversion of ModelLocalizedValue as ModelFieldValue.
- ModelLocalizedValueFilter
- Filter class to make ModelLocalizedValue available to ModelQuery.filters.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for ModelLocalizedValue.
- ModelPermissionQuery
- Define a query to validate data permissions.
- ModelQuery
- Query class for defining Model.
TModel extends Listenable> - Base class for creating state-to-state usage queries for the model to be code-generated by the builder.
- ModelQueryFilter
- Definition class for filtering data.
T, TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - Class for type-safe handling of collection queries.
T> - Class for defining relationships between models.
TSource, TResult> - Builder for granting relationships between models and loading data.
TSource> - Base class for defining ModelRefBuilder.
- ModelRefConverter
- ModelFieldValueConverter to enable automatic conversion of ModelRefBase as ModelFieldValue.
T> - Define a document base including ModelRefBase and DocumentBase.
- ModelRefFilter
- Filter class to make ModelRefBase available to ModelQuery.filters.
TSource, TResult> - Builder for granting relationships between models and loading data.
TSource, TResult> - Builder for granting relationships between models and loading data.
TModelRef, TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for ModelRefBase.
T> - Class for generating ModelRefBase by specifying the path.
- ModelSearch
- Define searchable fields.
- ModelSearchConverter
- ModelFieldValueConverter to enable automatic conversion of ModelSearch as ModelFieldValue.
- ModelSearchFilter
- Filter class to make ModelSearch available to ModelQuery.filters.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for ModelSearch.
- ModelServerCommandBase
- Define commands to work with the server.
- ModelServerCommandBaseConverter
- ModelFieldValueConverter to enable automatic conversion of ModelServerCommandBase as ModelFieldValue.
- ModelServerCommandBaseFilter
- Filter class to make ModelServerCommandBase available to ModelQuery.filters.
- ModelServerCommandCondition
- Condition class used in ModelServerCommandBase.
- ModelServerCommandField
- Field specification class used in ModelServerCommandBase.
- ModelTimestamp
- Define the field as a timestamp.
- ModelTimestampConverter
- ModelFieldValueConverter to enable automatic conversion of ModelTimestamp as ModelFieldValue.
- ModelTimestampFilter
- Filter class to make ModelTimestamp available to ModelQuery.filters.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for ModelTimestamp.
- ModelToken
- Class for storing multiple tokens.
- ModelTokenConverter
- ModelFieldValueConverter to enable automatic conversion of ModelToken as ModelFieldValue.
- ModelTokenFilter
- Filter class to make ModelToken available to ModelQuery.filters.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for ModelToken.
TModel extends DocumentBase> - Builder for transactions.
T> - Document class for transactions.
T> - Builder for transactions.
- ModelTransactionRef
- Reference class for performing transactions.
- ModelUpdateNotification
- This class contains data for change notifications.
- ModelUri
- Define the field as a URI.
- ModelUriConverter
- ModelFieldValueConverter to enable automatic conversion of ModelUri as ModelFieldValue.
- ModelUriFilter
- Filter class to make ModelUri available to ModelQuery.filters.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for ModelUri.
- ModelValidationQuery
- Define the validation query to be used by DatabaseValidator.
- ModelVideoUri
- Define the field as a video URI.
- ModelVideoUriConverter
- ModelFieldValueConverter to enable automatic conversion of ModelVideoUri as ModelFieldValue.
- ModelVideoUriFilter
- Filter class to make ModelVideoUri available to ModelQuery.filters.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for ModelVideoUri.
- NestedAppRouter
- Class for creating nested AppRouter.
- NetworkTextProvider
- Provider to load text files from the network and display them in widgets, etc.
- NoSqlDatabase
- Class for building a NoSql database model within an application.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for num.
TNum extends num> - A class that represents a range of numbers.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for Object.
- OnContext
Object returned when executing
. - PageOrAppScopedValueOrAppRef
- AppScopedValueOrAppRef that stores state in page scope and App scope.
- PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef
- ScopedValueRef of the Page or Widget (whose state can be monitored).
- PageParam
- Annotation to map each widget parameter to a variable in the page root.
- PagePath
- Annotation defining the page.
- PageRef
- A page-scoped reference passed from
- PageRouteQuery
Annotation to define the
of the page. -
Result> - ScopedQuery available at page scope.
Result, Param> - You can pass one parameter PageScopedQuery.
- PageScopedValueListener
- ScopedValueListener that targets the page.
- PageScopedValueRef
- Page's ScopedValueRef.
- PageScopedWidget
- Abstract class for creating widgets for use on pages.
- ParamComment
- When specifying each field in CollectionModelPath or DocumentModelPath, it is possible to annotate the field with a comment.
- PeriodicScope
- This widget repeatedly redraws at regular intervals.
- PickerDateTimeType
- Prefs
- Annotation to define values to be handled in Shared Preferences and to enable type-safe storage and retrieval.
- PrefsBase
- Base class for creating Prefs classes.
T extends Listenable> - Progress indicator to show progress via ChangeNotifier.
- QueryParam
- Annotation to map each widget parameter to a query parameter in the page path.
TResult, TRef extends Ref> - Class for extensions to manage state.
TRef extends Ref> - Ref used inside ScopedQuery.
TResult, TRef extends Ref, TScopedValue extends QueryScopedValue< TResult, TRef> > - State created by ScopedValue.
- ReAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.reauth.
TNum extends num> - A class that represents a range of numbers.
- RedirectQuery
- Class for defining the page to be displayed in different locations depending on conditions.
- Ref
- Base class for References passed from ScopedWidget, etc.
- RefHasAny
- RefHasApp or RefHasPage, RefHasWidget.
- RefHasApp
- Reference with ScopedValueRef in the application scope.
- RefHasPage
- Reference with page scope Ref.
- RefHasWidget
- Reference with widget scope Ref.
- RefOrRefHasAny
- Ref or RefHasApp, RefHasPage, RefHasWidget.
- RefParam
- When specifying a CollectionModelPath or DocumentModelPath field, you can load the referenced document together by specifying it in the field when referencing other documents.
- RegisterAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.register.
- RemoteFile
- Class for handling remote files and real data.
T> - You can configure reorderable lists in a similar fashion to ListBuilder.
- Required
Used to annotate a named parameter
in a method or functionf
. - ResetAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.reset.
- RouteQuery
- Base class for creating queries to perform page transitions.
- RouteQueryBuilder
- Class for building page queries.
- RuntimeAuthAdapter
- Authentication adapter using a database that runs only in the app's memory.
- RuntimeFunctionsAdapter
- FunctionsAdapter] that only returns a normal system without communicating with the server side.
- RuntimeLoggerAdapter
- Logging in memory LoggerAdapter.
- RuntimeModelAdapter
- Model adapter that uses a database that runs only in the memory of the application. All data will be reset when the application is re-launched.
- RuntimeModelBatchRef
- ModelBatchRef for RuntimeModelAdapter.
- RuntimeModelTransactionRef
- ModelTransactionRef for RuntimeModelAdapter.
- RuntimeStorageAdapter
- StorageAdapter for handling files at runtime.
- ScaffoldThemeExtension
- Extended theme to extend the Scaffold theme.
- ScheduleContext
Object returned when
is executed. - Scoped
- Widgets for state management within a page or widget.
Result> - ScopedQuery makes it possible to define values globally and manage state individually and safely.
Result, TRef extends Ref> - Base class that can specify the type of the provider part of ScopedQuery.
Result, Param> - You can pass one parameter ScopedQuery.
Result, TRef extends Ref, Param> - Base class that allows specifying the type of the provider part of ScopedQuery that allows passing a single parameter.
TResult> - Class for extensions to manage state.
- ScopedValueContainer
- Container object for storing ScopedValue.
- ScopedValueListener
- An object to monitor ScopedValue in the widget.
- ScopedValueRef
- Ref associated with the widget.
TResult, TScopedValue extends ScopedValue< TResult> > - State created by ScopedValue.
- ScopedWidget
- Abstract class for creating widgets that can perform state management under the page.
- ScopedWidgetBase
- Base class from which widgets can be retrieved with ScopedWidgetScope.of.
- ScopedWidgetScope
- InheritedWidget for making ScopedWidgetBase retrievable from descendant widgets.
- ScrollBuilder
- This widget can be placed on top of a ListView or SingleChildScrollView to easily add a RefreshIndicator or Scrollbar.
- SearchParam
- When specifying each field in CollectionModelPath or DocumentModelPath, you can annotate the field to make it a search target.
- Wraps NSUserDefaults (on iOS) and SharedPreferences (on Android), providing a persistent store for simple data.
- ShimmerBox
- Create a container to display the shimmer effect.
- ShimmerMultiLine
- Create a ShimmerBox effect that spans multiple lines.
- SignInAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.signIn.
- SmsAuthQuery
for SMS code authentication. - SmsChangePhoneNumberAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.change.
- SmsConfirmChangePhoneNumberAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.confirmChange.
- SmsConfirmSignInAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.confirmSignIn.
- SmsSignInAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.signIn.
- SnsReAuthProvider
for OAuth re-authentication of SNS. - SnsSignInAuthProvider
for OAuth authentication for SNS. - SquareAvatar
- Square version of CircleAvatar.
- Storage
- Provides access to file storage.
- StorageAdapter
- Adapter for storage functions.
- StorageAdapterScope
- StorageAdapter for the entire app by placing it on top of MaterialApp, etc.
- StorageBase
- Abstract class for implementing internal storage functionality.
- StorageFile
- Abstract class for defining files for storage.
- StorageQuery
- Query to specify the path of storage on the remote side.
- StorageValue
- Define storage values.
TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - ModelQuerySelector for String.
- SuggestionStyle
- Class that defines the design for suggestions.
T> - A Future whose then implementation calls the callback immediately.
- TemporaryImageProviderBuilder
- Class for providing implementation of Asset.image.
- TemporaryTextProviderBuilder
- Class for providing implementation of Asset.text.
- TestAppScoped
- Test scope for AppScoped.
- TestAuthAdapterScope
- Test scope for AuthAdapter.
- TestFunctionsAdapterScope
- Test scope for FunctionsAdapter.
- TestLoggerAdapterScope
- Test scope for LoggerAdapter.
- TestModelAdapterScope
- Test scope for ModelAdapter.
- TestStorageAdapterScope
- Test scope for StorageAdapter.
- TextProvider
- Provider for loading text data and displaying it in widgets, etc.
- TextProviderBuilder
- Class for providing implementation of Asset.text.
- TextStyleThemeData
- Class for retrieving text styles.
- TextThemeData
- Define a text theme.
- TransitionQuery
- Route queries for page transitions.
- UnknownRouteQueryBuilder
- RouteQueryBuilder for building a page (404 page) to display if the page passed to AppRouter is not a hit for the entered path (URL).
- UseResult
- See useResult for more details.
TValue, TQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > -
ModelQuerySelector for
. - VerifyAuthProvider
- AuthProvider for performing Authentication.verify.
- VideoProvider
- Provider to load video data and display it in widgets.
- WidgetRef
- A reference scoped to the widget passed from or Scoped.builder.
Result> - ScopedQuery available in the widget scope.
Result, Param> - You can pass one parameter WidgetScopedQuery.
- WidgetScopedValueRef
- Widget's ScopedValueRef.
- WidgetThemeData
- Defines the theme of the widget.
- AuthLoggerEvent
- Authentication events for logging.
- DayOfWeek
- Day of the week.
- FileImageDirType
- Directory type of the file.
- FormInputBorderStyle
- Defines the style of the outer border of InputBorder.
- FormMediaType
- The type of media handled by the form.
- FormTextFieldSelectionOnFocus
- Specifies the behavior when focused.
- GoogleSpreadSheetDataSourceDirection
- Orientation for using data source for documents at GoogleSpreadSheetDataSource.
- ModelAccessQueryType
- Define the type of access to the server.
- ModelAggregateQueryType
- Query type for outputting an aggregate of the documents in a collection.
- ModelDatabaseQueryFilterType
- Define the filter type for ModelDatabaseQuery.
- ModelFieldValueSource
- Defines where the source of the ModelFieldValue is located.
- ModelPermissionQueryType
- Specifies the permission type for validation.
- ModelPermissionQueryUserType
- Specify the target user for which you want to specify ModelPermissionQueryType.
- ModelQueryFilterType
- Define the filter type for ModelQuery.
- ModelUpdateNotificationStatus
- Defines the change status of each model.
- ModelValidationQueryPermissionType
- Specifies the permission type for validation.
- ModelValidationQueryUserType
- Specify the target user for which you want to specify ModelValidationQueryPermissionType.
- RouteLoggerEvent
- Routing events for logging.
- ScopedLoggerEvent
- Status management events for logging.
- ScopedLoggerScope
- State management scope for logging.
T> - Provides the ability to load data into the controller.
TModel extends DocumentBase, TModelQuery extends ModelQueryBase< Listenable> > - Mix-in to do CollectionBase.replaceQuery by ModelQueryBase.
T> - Mix-in to allow Json serialization and deserialization of ModelFieldValue.
T> - It is available by mixing in when using ModelRefBase in DocumentBase.value.
T> - A mix-in to define that it is a relationship between models in DocumentBase, etc.
TModel extends SearchableDocumentMixin> - Mix-ins to create collections for which search functions are available.
T> - Mix-in to make documents searchable.
T> - Mix-in to search for ModelInitialCollection.
- BooleanExtensions on bool
- Provides extended methods for bool.
- BorderRadiusShortenExtensions on num
- Extension to allow BorderRadius to be easily described in num.
- BuildContextLocaleExtensions on BuildContext
- Extension to extend BuildContext.
on ControllerQueryBase<
TController> - This is an extension method of ControllerQueryBase.
- DateTimeExtensions on DateTime
- Provides extended methods for DateTime.
on Iterable<
DateTime> - Provides extended methods for DateTime arrays.
- DoubleExtensions on double
- Provides extended methods for double.
on Iterable<
double> - Provides extended methods for double arrays.
- DurationExtensions on Duration
- Provides extended methods for Duration.
- DurationShortenExtensions on num
- Extension to allow Duration to be easily described in num.
on Map<
String, dynamic> - Provides extended methods for DynamicMap.
- DynamicMapModelFieldValueExtensions on DynamicMap
- Provides extension methods for DynamicMap for ModelFieldValue.
- EdgeInsetsShortenExtensions on num
- Extension to allow EdgeInsets to be easily described in num.
on FormControllerQueryBase<
TModel> - Extension methods for ControllerQueryBase<FormController>.
- FormMediaValueExtensions on FormMediaValue
- Extension methods for FormMediaValue.
on FutureOr<
T> - Extension to display Indicator in FutureOr.
on Iterable<
Iterable< T> > - Provides extended methods for Iterable arrays.
- IntExtensions on int
- Provides extended methods for int.
on Iterable<
int> - Provides extended methods for int arrays.
on Iterable<
T> -
Provides extended methods for
arrays. - JsonDynamicListExtensions on DynamicList
- Provides Json extension methods for DynamicList.
- JsonDynamicMapExtensions on DynamicMap
- Provides Json extension methods for DynamicMap.
on Iterable<
T> - Provides an extension method for Iterable that includes Listenable as an element.
- ListenableQueryExtensions on TController
- This is an extension method of Listenable.
on List<
T> -
Provides extended methods for List in
. - LocalizeLocaleExtensions on Locale
- Extension to extend Locale.
on Map<
K, V> - Provides extended methods for Map.
- MasamuneBuildContextExtensions on BuildContext
- Extension methods for BuildContext.
- MasamuneChangeNotifierScopedValueRefExtensions on RefHasApp
- Create an application scope extension method to handle the globally defined ChangeNotifier.
- MasamuneControllerPageOrAppScopedValueOrAppRefExtensions on PageOrAppScopedValueOrAppRef
- Create an extension method for PageOrAppScopedValueOrAppRef to handle Query for controllers and controller groups.
on QueryScopedValueRef<
PageOrAppScopedValueOrAppRef> - Create an extension method for QueryScopedValueRef to handle Query for controllers and controller groups.
- MasamuneControllerRefHasAppExtensions on RefHasApp
- Create an extension method for RefHasApp to handle Query for controllers and controller groups.
- MasamuneFormPageScopedValueRefExtensions on PageOrAppScopedValueOrAppRef
- Create an extension method for PageOrAppScopedValueOrAppRef to handle Query for form.
- MasamuneFormRefHasPageExtensions on RefHasPage
- Create an extension method for RefHasPage to handle Query for form.
- MasamuneModelAppScopedValueOrAppRefExtensions on AppScopedValueOrAppRef
- Create an extension method for AppScopedValueOrAppRef to handle the Query for the model.
on QueryScopedValueRef<
AppScopedValueOrAppRef> - Create an extension method for QueryScopedValueRef to handle the Query for the model.
- MasamuneModelRefHasAppExtensions on RefHasApp
- Create extension methods for RefHasApp to handle Query for models.
- MasamuneRouterPageScopedValueRefExtensions on PageScopedValueRef
- Create an extension method for PageScopedValueRef to create nested routers.
- MasamuneRouterRefHasPageExtensions on RefHasPage
- Create an extension method for RefHasPage to create nested routers.
- ModelImageUriExtensions on ModelImageUri
- Extension methods for ModelImageUri.
on ModelQueryBase<
TModel> - This is an extension method of ModelQueryBase.
- ModelVideoUriExtensions on ModelVideoUri
- Extension methods for ModelVideoUri.
- NullableDoubleExtensions on double?
- Provides an extension method for double that is nullable.
- NullableFormMeidaValueExtension on FormMediaValue?
- Provides an extension method for FormMediaValue that is nullable.
- NullableIntExtensions on int?
- Provides an extension method for int that is nullable.
on Iterable<
T> ? - Provides an extension method for Iterable that is nullable.
on List<
T> ? - Provides an extension method for List that is nullable.
on Map<
K, V> ? - Provides an extension method for Map that is nullable.
- NullableNumExtensions on num?
- Provides an extension method for num that is nullable.
- NullableObjectExtensions on Object?
- Provides an extension method for List that is nullable.
on Set<
T> ? - Provides an extension method for Set that is nullable.
- NullableStringExtensions on String?
- Provides an extension method for String that is nullable.
- NullableUriExtensions on Uri?
- Provides an extension method for Uri that is nullable.
on Iterable<
T?> - Provides an extension method for Iterable whose value is nullable.
- PageOrWidgetScopedValueRefCacheExtensions on PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef
- Provides an extension method for PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef to perform caching.
- PageOrWidgetScopedValueRefFutureExtensions on PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef
- Provides an extended method for PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef to monitor Future.
- PageOrWidgetScopedValueRefOnExtensions on PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef
- Provides extension methods for PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef for processing in the lifecycle.
- PageOrWidgetScopedValueRefPeriodicExtensions on PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef
- Provides extension methods for PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef to perform periodic processing.
- PageOrWidgetScopedValueRefRefreshExtensions on PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef
- Provides an extension method for PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef to update the widget.
- PageOrWidgetScopedValueRefScheduleExtensions on PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef
- Provides an extension method for PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef to perform scheduling.
- PageOrWidgetScopedValueRefTimerExtensions on PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef
- Provides an extension method for PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef to process Timer.
- PageOrWidgetScopedValueRefWatchExtensions on PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef
- Provides an extended method for PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef to monitor ChangeNotifier.
- PageScopedValueRefAncestorExtensions on PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef
- Provides an extension method for PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef to retrieve a ScopedValue that already exists in the page or widget scope.
on QueryScopedValueRef<
PageOrAppScopedValueOrAppRef> - Create an extension method for QueryScopedValueRef to handle Query for form.
on QueryScopedValueRef<
PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef> - Provides an extension method for QueryScopedValueRef to perform caching.
on QueryScopedValueRef<
PageOrWidgetScopedValueRef> - Provides an extended method for QueryScopedValueRef to monitor ChangeNotifier.
on QueryScopedValueRef<
TRef> - Provides an extension method for QueryScopedValueRef to manage state using ScopedQuery.
- RandomExtensions on Random
- Provides extended methods for Random.
- RefCacheExtensions on Ref
- Provides an extension method for Ref to perform caching.
- RefFetchExtensions on AppScopedValueOrAppRef
- Provides an extension method for AppScopedValueOrAppRef to retrieve a ScopedValue that already exists.
- RefFutureExtensions on Ref
- Provides an extended method for Ref to monitor Future.
- RefHasAppQueryExtensions on RefHasApp
- Provides an extension method for RefHasApp to manage state using ScopedQuery.
- RefHasPageCacheExtensions on RefHasPage
- Provides an extension method for RefHasPage to perform caching.
- RefHasPageFetchExtensions on RefHasPage
- Provides an extension method for RefHasPage to retrieve an already existing ScopedValue.
- RefHasPageFutureExtensions on RefHasPage
- Provides an extended method for RefHasPage to monitor Future.
- RefHasPageOnExtensions on RefHasPage
- Provides extension methods for RefHasPage for processing in the lifecycle.
- RefHasPagePeriodicExtensions on RefHasPage
- Provides extension methods for RefHasPage to perform periodic processing.
- RefHasPageRefreshExtensions on RefHasPage
- Provides an extension method for RefHasPage to update the widget.
- RefHasPageScheduleExtensions on RefHasPage
- Provides extended methods for RefHasPage to perform scheduling.
- RefHasPageTimerExtensions on RefHasPage
- Provides extended methods for RefHasPage to process Timer.
- RefHasPageWatchExtensions on RefHasPage
- Provides an extended method for RefHasPage to monitor ChangeNotifier.
- RefQueryExtensions on Ref
- Provides an extension method for Ref to manage state using ScopedQuery.
- RefWatchExtensions on Ref
- Provides an extended method for Ref to monitor ChangeNotifier.
- RouteQueryRouterExtensions on RouteQuery
- Provides extension methods for RouteQuery.
- RoutingBuildContedxtExtensions on BuildContext
- Provides extension methods for BuildContext.
- Provides extension methods for NavigatorState.
- ScopedWidgetBuildContextExtensions on BuildContext
- ScopedWidget related extensions for BuildContext.
on Set<
T> - Provides extended methods for Set.
- SpaceShortenExtensions on num
- Extension to make it easier to describe spaces in num.
- StringExtensions on String
- Provides extended methods for String.
- ThemeBuildContextExtensions on BuildContext
- Define a theme extension for BuildContext.
- ThemeColorExtensions on Color
- Define a theme extension for Color.
- ThemeTextStyleExtensions on TextStyle
- Define a theme extension for TextStyle.
- UriExtensions on Uri
- Provides extended methods for Uri.
- appRoute → const AppRoute
- Automatically generates routing for the entire application.
- appTheme → const AppTheme
- Annotation to be given to the theme of the application.
- formValue → const FormValue
- Create a query to retrieve form controllers.
- Pages to be used in nested navigators instead of at the top level or to intentionally not set URLs.
- jsonParam → const JsonParam
- Ensure that serializable parameters can be successfully serialized to Json.
- kAvatarTileHeight → const double
- Default height of AvatarTile.
- kBlackColor → const Color
- Black for design.
- kBlackSurfaceColor → const Color
- Bright black color for design.
- kDefaultCheckboxBorderWidth → const double
- Width of the border outside the default checkbox.
→ const List<
Locale> - Default locale.
- kDefaultSearchableFieldKey → const String
- Default field key to form a searchable field.
- kFormMultiMediaInlineHeight → const double
- Default height of the form when using FormMultiMediaInlineDelegate.
- kPinLength → const int
- Default maximum pin length.
- kSplashColor → const Color
- Splash color.
- kTimeFieldKey → const String
- Field key to store the document update time.
- kTransitionDuration → const Duration
- Duration of page transitions.
- kTypeFieldKey → const String
- Field key to save the type of the special object in the field.
- kUidFieldKey → const String
Field key to store the last part of the document path (
for aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd). - kWhiteColor → const Color
- White for design.
- kWhiteSurfaceColor → const Color
- Dark white for design.
- listenables → const Listenables
Annotation to create a class to put together
. - nestedPage → const HiddenPage
- nullOfBool → const bool?
object with a defined type of bool? - nullOfDouble → const double?
object with a defined type of double? - nullOfDynamicList → const DynamicList?
object with a defined type of DynamicList? - nullOfDynamicMap → const DynamicMap?
object with a defined type of DynamicMap? - nullOfInt → const int?
object with a defined type of int? - nullOfNum → const num?
object with a defined type of num? - nullOfString → const String?
object with a defined type of String? - pageParam → const PageParam
- Annotation to map each widget parameter to a variable in the page root.
- pageRouteQuery → const PageRouteQuery
Annotation to define the
of the page. - prefs → const Prefs
- Annotation to define values to be handled in Shared Preferences and to enable type-safe storage and retrieval.
- queryParam → const QueryParam
- Annotation to map each widget parameter to a query parameter in the page path.
- refParam → const RefParam
- When specifying a CollectionModelPath or DocumentModelPath field, you can load the referenced document together by specifying it in the field when referencing other documents.
- searchParam → const SearchParam
- When specifying each field in CollectionModelPath or DocumentModelPath, you can annotate the field to make it a search target.
- useResult → const UseResult
- Used to annotate a method, field, or getter within a class, mixin, or extension, or a or top-level getter, variable or function to indicate that the value obtained by invoking it should be used. A value is considered used if it is assigned to a variable, passed to a function, or used as the target of an invocation, or invoked (if the result is itself a function).
- zeroOfNum → const num
object with a defined type of num?
- sprintf ↔ PrintFormat
getter/setter pair
int length, {int seed = 0, String charSet = "23456789abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxy"}) → String -
Generates and returns a random string with the number of characters given by
. -
{List< Color> ? ignoreColors, int? seed}) → MaterialColor - Get one at random from the major MaterialColor.
[String? locale, String? ignored]) → Future< void> -
This should be called for at least one
before any date formatting methods are called. It sets up the lookup for date symbols. Both thelocale
parameter are ignored, as the data for all locales is directly available. -
T extends Object?> (String json, [List< T> defaultValue = const []]) → List<T> -
to a Json-decoded List -
T extends Object?> (String json, [Map< String, T> defaultValue = const {}]) → Map<String, T> -
to a Json-decoded Map<String, dynamic> object. -
Object? o) → bool -
If this object is Json encodable,
is returned. -
{ScopedValueContainer? scopedValueContainer, AuthAdapter? authAdapter, StorageAdapter? storageAdapter, FunctionsAdapter? functionsAdapter, List< LoggerAdapter> loggerAdapters = const [], ModelAdapter? modelAdapter}) → void - Test adapters and containers can be specified and replaced.
T> () → List< T> ? -
object with a defined type of List<T>? -
K, V> () → Map< K, V> ? -
object with a defined type of Map<K, V>? -
T> () → Set< T> ? -
object with a defined type of Set<T>? -
MasamuneApp masamuneApp(List< MasamuneAdapter> adapters), {List<MasamuneAdapter> masamuneAdapters = const []}) → Future<void> - Function to apply MasamuneAdapter for Masamune Framework just before runApp, etc.
BuildContext context, List< FutureOr< processes, {Color? barrierColor = Colors.black54, Widget? indicator}) → Future<void> Function()>void> -
Executes multiple
and displays an indicator during each one. -
{DateTime? baseTime, bool reverse = false}) → String - Generate and retrieve the UUID for Version 7.
Iterable futures) → Future< void> -
Wait until all Futures given in
are completed.
- ApiResponse = Response
- An HTTP response where the entire response body is known in advance.
- ApiResquest = Request
- An HTTP request where the entire request body is known in advance.
T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, FormChipsInputRef< T> ref, T item) - Builder for use with FormChipsField.
- DynamicList = List
- Represents the type of List<dynamic>.
= Map<
String, dynamic> - Represents the type of Map<String, dynamic>.
T> = List< Widget> ? Function(BuildContext context, T item, int index) - Callbacks used by ListBuilder.
- ListTileGroup = LineTileGroup
- A widget that groups ListTile and LineTile for display.
T> = ModelRefBase< T> ? - Class for defining relationships between models.
- NestedPage = HiddenPage
- PickerItemBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, String? text, Widget? child, bool selected, int col, int index)
Exceptions / Errors
- DatabaseValidationExcepction
- Defines errors during database validation.