FormRatingBar<TValue>.view constructor

  1. num initialValue, {
  2. Key? key,
  3. FormStyle? style,
  4. int iconCount = 5,
  5. double iconSize = 40.0,
  6. Color? activeColor,
  7. Color? inaciveColor,
  8. double? min,
  9. double? max,
  10. Widget itemBuilder(
    1. BuildContext context,
    2. int index
  11. bool allowHalfRating = true,
  12. Axis direction = Axis.horizontal,
  13. bool showLabel = false,
  14. Widget? icon,

Widget to display & edit by number of stars by passing double.

If a value is given in initialValue, that value will be displayed.

The value cannot be changed.

iconCount allows you to specify the number of icons. The icon widget itself can be specified with icon, and the design can be changed by specifying iconSize, activeColor, and inactiveColor. Also, if iconBuilder is specified, the icon can be created in a callback.

The minimum and maximum values can be specified with min and max.

You can specify whether to allow half stars with allowHalfRating.

If showLabel is specified, the actual value can be displayed as a numerical value.









  num initialValue, {
  Key? key,
  FormStyle? style,
  int iconCount = 5,
  double iconSize = 40.0,
  Color? activeColor,
  Color? inaciveColor,
  double? min,
  double? max,
  Widget Function(BuildContext context, int index)? itemBuilder,
  bool allowHalfRating = true,
  Axis direction = Axis.horizontal,
  bool showLabel = false,
  Widget? icon,
}) : this(
        initialValue: initialValue.toDouble(),
        key: key,
        style: style,
        iconCount: iconCount,
        iconSize: iconSize,
        activeColor: activeColor,
        inactiveColor: inaciveColor,
        min: min,
        max: max,
        iconBuilder: itemBuilder,
        allowHalfRating: allowHalfRating,
        direction: direction,
        showLabel: showLabel,
        icon: icon,
        readOnly: true,