platform_library library
T> - Map behavior builder
- DirectionsRendererPlatform
- DirectionsServicePlatform
- DisplayRulePlatform
T extends DynamicObjectId> - DynamicObjectId
- LocationPlatform
- MapcontrolPlatform
- MapsIndoorsObject
- MapsindoorsPlatform
- MethodChannelDirectionsRenderer
- MethodChannelDirectionsService
- MethodChannelDisplayRule
- An implementation of MapsindoorsPlatform that uses method channels.
- MethodChannelLocation
- An implementation of LocationPlatform that uses method channels.
- MethodChannelMapControl
- An implementation of MapcontrolPlatform that uses method channels.
- MethodChannelMapsindoors
- An implementation of MapsindoorsPlatform that uses method channels.
- MethodChannelUtil
- An implementation of UtilPlatform that uses method channels.
- MPBounds
- Describes the geographical bounds as a rectangle spanning from its northeastern point to its southwestern point
- MPBoundsBuilder
- Build a MPBounds from a collection of MPPoints, note that at least one point has to be supplied before the bounds can be built
- MPBuilding
- A MapsIndoors geographical entity. A MPBuilding is contained within a MPVenue and contains a number of MPFloors.
- MPBuildingCollection
- A collection of building objects fetched from MapsIndoors. Uses as key
- MPBuildingId
- A unique identifier for buildings
- MPBuildingInfo
- A collection of information about a MPBuilding
- MPCameraPosition
- A camera position object, used to move the camera to a specific position.
- MPCameraPositionBuilder
- Construct a camera position.
- MPCameraUpdate
- An object that can be used to update the position of the camera by calling MapControl.animateCamera().
- MPCategory
- A categorisation for MapsIndoors objects
- MPCategoryCollection
- A collection of category objects fetched from MapsIndoors. Uses MPCategory.key as key
T> - A collection that offers simple getter logic
- MPDataField
- A MPDataField contains a single field value with descriptive text and a type that describes the type of the value (eg. text or number)
- MPDisplayRule
- A collection of settings that dictate how MapsIndoors objects are displayed on the map
- MPDisplayRuleId
- A unique identifier for display rules
T extends DynamicObjectId> - An interface describing trivial properties of a MapsIndoors geographical entities
- MPError
- A class of errors that can occur when using the MapsIndoors SDK
- MPFilter
- A filter that can be applied during search, this will limit the returned MPEntitys to those that fulfills the filter
- MPFilterBehavior
- Sets a behavior for the map when calling MapsIndoorsWidget.setFilter
- MPFilterBehaviorBuilder
- Builder for MPFilterBehavior
- MPFilterBuilder
- Constructs a MPFilter
- MPFloor
- A MapsIndoors geographical entity. A MPFloor is contained within a MPBuilding.
- MPFloorId
- A unique identifier for floors
- MPFloorSelectorInterface
- Interface used by MapsIndoors to communicate with floor selector UIs
- MPGeocodeResult
- GeoCode class to represent results from a reverse GeoCode.
- MPGeometry
- Superclass of all MapsIndoors geometry classes
- MPHighlightBehavior
- Sets a behavior for the map when calling MapsIndoorsWidget.setHighlight
- MPHighlightBehaviorBuilder
- MPIconSize
- Class to hold height and width information for an icon
- MPLabelGraphic
- Represents a label graphic in the MapsIndoors platform. A label graphic is used to display text on top of an image.
- MPLocation
- A MapsIndoors geographical entity. A MPLocation can exist anywhere, but it is usually only used inside MPVenues and MPBuildings.
- MPLocationId
- A unique identifier for locations
- MPLocationSettings
- MPMapStyle
- MPMultiPolygon
- MPMultiPolygon is a collection of MPPolygons that combine to form a single geographical area with multiple bodies
- MPPoint
- MPPoint is a representation of latitude and longitude coordinates packaged with a Z-axis representation in floorIndex
- MPPolygon
- MPPolygon is a collection of MPPoints that combine to form a single geographical area with a single body
- MPPositionProviderInterface
- Interface for added a position provider to the SDK
- MPPositionResultInterface
- Interface to deliver a position result to the MapsIndoors SDK
- MPPropertyData
- MPQuery
- A collection of query parameters used to query MapsIndoors
- MPQueryBuilder
- A builder for MPQuery
- MPRoute
- A route from a origin to a destination broken up into MPRouteLeg legs
- MPRouteCoordinate
- A coordinate used for routing, it is contained within a MPRouteStep
- MPRouteLeg
- A leg of a MPRoute is defined as all steps between any context shifts (entering/exiting buildings, changing floors) A leg is comprised of a list of steps as well as a startLocation and an endLocation
- MPRouteProperty
- A property of of a MPRoute
- MPRouteResult
- Object that is returned from MPDirectionsSerivce.getRoute
- MPRouteStep
- A step of a MPRoute, the step is usually contained in a MPRouteLeg
- MPRouteStopIconConfig
- A class that creates a route stop icon for the Directions Renderer.
- MPRouteStopIconConfigInterface
- MPSelectionBehavior
- Sets a behavior for the map when calling MapsIndoorsWidget.selectLocation
- MPSelectionBehaviorBuilder
- Builder for MPSelectionBehavior
- MPSettings3D
- An object that governs layer settings for 3D features.
- MPSolution
- Governs the topmost
- MPSolutionConfig
- An object that governs solution level settings such as:
- MPUserRole
- A User Role that allows certain parts of the data to be viewed
- MPUserRoleCollection
- A collection of user role objects fetched from MapsIndoors. Uses as key
- MPVenue
- A MapsIndoors geographical entity. A MPVenue can exist anywhere, and it can contain a number of MPBuildings and MPLocations.
- MPVenueCollection
- A collection of venue objects fetched from MapsIndoors. Uses as key
- MPVenueId
- A unique identifier for venues
- MPVenueInfo
- UtilPlatform
- LiveDataDomainTypes
- Domain types for livedata subscriptions
- MPBadgePosition
- MPCameraEvent
- Possible events that a MPCameraEventListener can recieve
- MPCameraViewFitMode
- Different ways the camera can fit a route inside the screen
- MPCollisionHandling
- Describes how the SDK should handle markers and labels overlapping with other markers and labels
- MPFeatureType
- Features that can be disabled through MapControl
- MPHighway
- OSM highways used by the MapsIndoors SDK in addition to MapsIndoors specific highways
- MPIconPlacement
- MPLabelType
- MPLocationPropertyNames
- Names of properties that can be set on a MPLocation
- MPLocationType
- Base type of a MPLocation
- MPSelectionMode
- MPSolutionDisplayRuleEnum
- Special MPDisplayRules that govern specific issues
- MPVenueStatus
- Base type of a MPLocation
T> (List json) → List< List< T> > - for use with dart default types
T> (List json) → List< List< List< >T> > - for use with dart default types
T> (List json) → List< List< List< >List< >T> > - for use with dart default types
T> (List json) → List< T> - for use with dart default types
T> (List data, T? fromJson(dynamic)) → List< T> - for use with MapsIndoors objects
List< MapsIndoorsObject> objects) → String -
T> (List? data, T? fromJson(dynamic)) → List< T> ? - for use with MapsIndoors objects
- MPCameraEventListener = void Function(MPCameraEvent event)
- Listens for camera events, eg. when the Camera starts or stops moving
- MPVenueStatusListener = void Function(String? venueId, MPVenueStatus status)
- Listens for camera events, eg. when the Camera starts or stops moving
- OnBuildingFoundAtCameraTargetListener = void Function(MPBuilding? building)
- Listener that is invoked when a building is found within the camera bounds
- OnFloorSelectionChangedListener = void Function(MPFloor newFloor)
- Listener that is invoked when the active floor is changed
- OnFloorUpdateListener = void Function(int floor)
- Listener that is invoked when floor selection changes
- OnLegSelectedListener = void Function(int legIndex)
- Listener that is invoked during directions when a MPRouteLeg is selected
- OnLiveLocationUpdateListener = void Function(MPLocation location)
- Listener that is invoked when a location receives a livedata update
- OnLocationSelectedListener = void Function(MPLocation? location)
- Listener that is invoked when a MPLocation is selected
= void Function(MPPoint point, List<
MPLocation> ? locations) - Listener that is invoked when the map is clicked
- OnMapReadyListener = void Function(MPError? error)
- Listener that is invoked when the map is ready for use.
- OnMapsIndoorsReadyListener = void Function(MPError? error)
- Listener that is invoked when MapsIndoors is ready for use
- OnMarkerClickListener = void Function(String locationId)
- Listener that is invoked when a MPLocation marker is clicked on the map
- OnMarkerInfoWindowClickListener = void Function(String locationId)
- Listener that is invoked when a markers infowindow is clicked
- OnPositionUpdateListener = void Function(MPPositionResultInterface position)
- Listener that is invoked when user positioning is updated
- OnVenueFoundAtCameraTargetListener = void Function(MPVenue? venue)
- Listener that is invoked when a venue is found within the camera bounds