mapsindoors library


A UniqueWidget that contains the map used by MapsIndoors
Describes the geographical bounds as a rectangle spanning from its northeastern point to its southwestern point
A MapsIndoors geographical entity. A MPBuilding is contained within a MPVenue and contains a number of MPFloors.
A collection of building objects fetched from MapsIndoors. Uses as key
A collection of information about a MPBuilding
A camera position object, used to move the camera to a specific position.
Construct a camera position.
An object that can be used to update the position of the camera by calling MapControl.animateCamera().
A categorisation for MapsIndoors objects
A collection of category objects fetched from MapsIndoors. Uses MPCategory.key as key
A MPDataField contains a single field value with descriptive text and a type that describes the type of the value (eg. text or number)
A collection of settings that dictate how MapsIndoors objects are displayed on the map
MPEntity<T extends DynamicObjectId>
An interface describing trivial properties of a MapsIndoors geographical entities
A class of errors that can occur when using the MapsIndoors SDK
A filter that can be applied during search, this will limit the returned MPEntitys to those that fulfills the filter
Sets a behavior for the map when calling MapsIndoorsWidget.setFilter
Builder for MPFilterBehavior
Constructs a MPFilter
A MapsIndoors geographical entity. A MPFloor is contained within a MPBuilding.
Interface used by MapsIndoors to communicate with floor selector UIs
GeoCode class to represent results from a reverse GeoCode.
Superclass of all MapsIndoors geometry classes
Class to hold height and width information for an icon
A MapsIndoors geographical entity. A MPLocation can exist anywhere, but it is usually only used inside MPVenues and MPBuildings.
MPMultiPolygon is a collection of MPPolygons that combine to form a single geographical area with multiple bodies
MPPoint is a representation of latitude and longitude coordinates packaged with a Z-axis representation in floorIndex
MPPolygon is a collection of MPPoints that combine to form a single geographical area with a single body
Interface for added a position provider to the SDK
Interface to deliver a position result to the MapsIndoors SDK
A collection of query parameters used to query MapsIndoors
A builder for MPQuery
A route from a origin to a destination broken up into MPRouteLeg legs
A coordinate used for routing, it is contained within a MPRouteStep
A leg of a MPRoute is defined as all steps between any context shifts (entering/exiting buildings, changing floors) A leg is comprised of a list of steps as well as a startLocation and an endLocation
A property of of a MPRoute
Object that is returned from MPDirectionsSerivce.getRoute
A step of a MPRoute, the step is usually contained in a MPRouteLeg
Sets a behavior for the map when calling MapsIndoorsWidget.selectLocation
Builder for MPSelectionBehavior
An object that governs layer settings for 3D features.
Governs the topmost
An object that governs solution level settings such as:
A User Role that allows certain parts of the data to be viewed
A collection of user role objects fetched from MapsIndoors. Uses as key
A MapsIndoors geographical entity. A MPVenue can exist anywhere, and it can contain a number of MPBuildings and MPLocations.
A collection of venue objects fetched from MapsIndoors. Uses as key


Domain types for livedata subscriptions
Possible events that a MPCameraEventListener can recieve
Different ways the camera can fit a route inside the screen
Describes how the SDK should handle markers and labels overlapping with other markers and labels
OSM highways used by the MapsIndoors SDK in addition to MapsIndoors specific highways
Names of properties that can be set on a MPLocation
Base type of a MPLocation
Special MPDisplayRules that govern specific issues


addOnMapsIndoorsReadyListener(OnMapsIndoorsReadyListener listener) → void
Add a one time listener to be invoked when MapsIndoors is ready
applyUserRoles(List<MPUserRole> userRoles) Future<void>
Applies a list of MPUserRoles to the SDK which will get the UserRole specific locations.
checkOfflineDataAvailability() Future<bool?>
Checks if there is on device data (embedded/locally stored) available. For this to return true, data has to be available for all solution data types (MPLocation, MPBuilding...)
destroyMapsIndoors() → void
Clears the internal state of MapsIndoors SDK. Any loaded content is purged from memory.
disableMapsIndoorsEventLogging(bool disable) Future<void>
disable SDK event logging through MapsIndoors. No logs will be created or send with this disabled.
getAPIKey() Future<String?>
Retrieves the API key that was set by using loadMapsIndoors
getAppliedUserRoles() Future<List<MPUserRole>?>
Returns the list of MPUserRole that is currently applied
getBuildings() Future<MPBuildingCollection?>
Gets a collection of all buildings for the current API key
getCategories() Future<MPCategoryCollection?>
Gets a collection of all categories for the current API key
getDefaultDisplayRule() Future<MPDisplayRule?>
Retrieve the default display rule (hardcoded display rule in the SDK).
getDefaultVenue() Future<MPVenue?>
Gets the default venue for this solution
getDisplayRuleByLocation(FutureOr<MPLocation> location) Future<MPDisplayRule?>
Retrieve the display rule for the given location
getDisplayRuleByName(String name) Future<MPDisplayRule?>
Retrieve the display rule with a given name.
getLocationById(String id) Future<MPLocation?>
Retrieves a MPLocation by its id
getLocations() Future<List<MPLocation>?>
Gets all locations (a list of MPLocation objects) for the current API Key
getLocationsByExternalIds(List<String> ids) Future<List<MPLocation>?>
Retrieves a list of MPLocations by external ids
getLocationsByQuery({MPQuery? query, MPFilter? filter}) Future<List<MPLocation>?>
Runs a query on all the available MPLocations with an optional MPQuery and/or MPFilter
getMainDisplayRule() Future<MPDisplayRule?>
Retrieve the main display rule (can be configured in the CMS).
getMapsIndoorsAvailableLanguages() Future<List<String>?>
Returns a list of the current solution's available languages
getMapsIndoorsDefaultLanguage() Future<String?>
Returns the current solution's default language
getMapsIndoorsLanguage() Future<String?>
Gets the current SDK language
getMapStyles() Future<List<MPMapStyle>?>
Gets a list of available map styles
getPlatformVersion() Future<String?>
gets the platform name and build version
getPositionProvider() MPPositionProviderInterface?
Returns the current position provider, if any is set
getSolution() Future<MPSolution?>
Gets the MPSolution for the current API key
getSolutionDisplayRule(MPSolutionDisplayRuleEnum solutionDisplayRule) Future<MPDisplayRule?>
Retrieve the corresponding display rule for the given MPSolutionDisplayRuleEnum.
getUserRoles() Future<MPUserRoleCollection?>
Gets the User Roles for the current solution
getVenues() Future<MPVenueCollection?>
Gets a collection of all venues for the current API key
isAPIKeyValid() Future<bool?>
Check if the current API key is valid
isMapsIndoorsInitialized() Future<bool?>
Check if loadMapsIndoors has been called
isMapsIndoorsReady() Future<bool?>
Check if the SDK is initialized and ready for use
loadMapsIndoors(String key) Future<MPError?>
Loads content from the MapsIndoors solution matching the given API key.
removeOnMapsIndoorsReadyListener(OnMapsIndoorsReadyListener listener) → void
Remove a MapsIndoors ready listener
reverseGeoCode(MPPoint point) Future<MPGeocodeResult?>
Get a MPGeocodeResult that contains lists of MPLocation (grouped by MPLocationType), where the point is inside the locations geometry. When no floor index is set, locations on all floors are queried.
setMapsIndoorsLanguage(String language) Future<bool?>
Sets the SDK's internal language.
setPositionProvider(MPPositionProviderInterface? provider) → void
Set a new position provider, or pass null to remove the current one
synchronizeMapsIndoorsContent() Future<MPError?>
Main data synchronization method


MPCameraEventListener = void Function(MPCameraEvent event)
Listens for camera events, eg. when the Camera starts or stops moving
OnBuildingFoundAtCameraTargetListener = void Function(MPBuilding? building)
Listener that is invoked when a building is found within the camera bounds
OnFloorSelectionChangedListener = void Function(MPFloor newFloor)
Listener that is invoked when the active floor is changed
OnFloorUpdateListener = void Function(int floor)
Listener that is invoked when floor selection changes
OnLegSelectedListener = void Function(int legIndex)
Listener that is invoked during directions when a MPRouteLeg is selected
OnLiveLocationUpdateListener = void Function(MPLocation location)
Listener that is invoked when a location receives a livedata update
OnLocationSelectedListener = void Function(MPLocation? location)
Listener that is invoked when a MPLocation is selected
OnMapClickListener = void Function(MPPoint point, List<MPLocation>? locations)
Listener that is invoked when the map is clicked
OnMapsIndoorsReadyListener = void Function(MPError? error)
Listener that is invoked when MapsIndoors is ready for use
OnMarkerClickListener = void Function(String locationId)
Listener that is invoked when a MPLocation marker is clicked on the map
OnMarkerInfoWindowClickListener = void Function(String locationId)
Listener that is invoked when a markers infowindow is clicked
OnPositionUpdateListener = void Function(MPPositionResultInterface position)
Listener that is invoked when user positioning is updated
OnVenueFoundAtCameraTargetListener = void Function(MPVenue? venue)
Listener that is invoked when a venue is found within the camera bounds