MapsIndoorsWidget class

A UniqueWidget that contains the map used by MapsIndoors



MapsIndoorsWidget({MPMapLabelFont? mapLabelFont, int? textSize, bool? showFloorSelector, bool? showInfoWindowOnClick, bool? showUserPosition, bool? enabletileFadeIn, MPSelectionMode? buildingSelectionMode, MPSelectionMode? floorSelectionMode, num? mapsIndoorsTransitionLevel, MPFloorSelector? floorSelector, Alignment? floorSelectorAlignment, OnMapReadyListener? readyListener, bool useDefaultMapsIndoorsStyle = true})
Build the widget, MapsIndoors currently supports the following platforms:


buildingSelectionMode MPSelectionMode?
currentState State<StatefulWidget>?
The state for the unique inflated instance of this widget.
no setterinherited
enabletileFadeIn bool?
floorSelectionMode MPSelectionMode?
floorSelector MPFloorSelector?
floorSelectorAlignment Alignment?
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isFloorSelectorHidden Future<bool?>
Returns the visibility state of the currently used MPFloorSelectorInterface.
no setter
isUserPositionShown Future<bool?>
Returns the current visibility state of the user location icon (blue dot)
no setter
key Key?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
mapLabelFont MPMapLabelFont?
mapsIndoorsTransitionLevel num?
mapStyle Future<MPMapStyle?>
Gets the current map style of MapsIndoors tiles
no setter
mapViewPaddingBottom Future<int?>
Gets the Map View bottom padding
no setter
mapViewPaddingEnd Future<int?>
Gets the Map View end padding
no setter
mapViewPaddingStart Future<int?>
Gets the Map View start padding
no setter
mapViewPaddingTop Future<int?>
Gets the Map View top padding
no setter
readyListener → OnMapReadyListener?
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
showFloorSelector bool?
showInfoWindowOnClick bool?
showUserPosition bool?
textSize int?
useDefaultMapsIndoorsStyle bool


addOnCameraEventListner(MPCameraEventListener listener) → void
Add a camera event listener, invoked when a camera event occurs (e.g. moved, idle) (see MPCameraEvent)
addOnFloorUpdateListener(OnFloorUpdateListener listener) → void
Add a listener object to catch floor changes made by either the user or the positioning service
animateCamera(MPCameraUpdate update, [int? duration]) Future<void>
Uses a camera update to animate the camera.
clearFilter() Future<void>
Invoke this method to restore the map to its default state (POIs shown based on their display rules, etc.)
clearHighlight() Future<void>
Removes highlight status from all highlighted locations
createElement() StatefulElement
Creates a StatefulElement to manage this widget's location in the tree.
createState() State<StatefulWidget>
Creates the mutable state for this widget at a given location in the tree.
debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
deSelectLocation() Future<void>
Call this to deselect a location previously selected with selectLocation(MPLocation, MPSelectionBehavior)
disableLiveData(String donaminType) Future<void>
Disables live data for a specific domainType
enableLiveData(String domainType, [OnLiveLocationUpdateListener? listener]) Future<void>
Enables live data on a specific domain and uses MapsIndoors standard graphic implementation
getBuildingSelectionMode() Future<MPSelectionMode>
Get the current building selection mode
getCurrentBuilding() Future<MPBuilding?>
Get the currently selected building
getCurrentBuildingFloor() Future<MPFloor?>
Returns the current MPFloor of the current MPBuilding in focus
getCurrentCameraPosition() Future<MPCameraPosition>
Saves the current position of the camera into a MPCameraPosition.
getCurrentFloorIndex() Future<int?>
Returns the current floor index or MPFloor.defaultGroundFloorIndex if no MPBuilding is in focus
getCurrentMapsindoorsZoom() Future<num?>
Get the zoom level that MapsIndoors is currently using for display icons etc. on the map
getCurrentVenue() Future<MPVenue?>
Get the currently selected venue
getFloorSelectionMode() Future<MPSelectionMode>
Get the current floor selection mode
getHiddenFeatures() Future<List<MPFeatureType>>
Get the list of features hidden on the map
goTo(FutureOr<MPEntity<DynamicObjectId>?> entity) Future<void>
Focus the map on the given MPEntity.
hideFloorSelector(bool hide) Future<void>
Shows or hides the MPFloorSelectorInterface, i.e. hiding the View from MapsIndoorsWidget
moveCamera(MPCameraUpdate update) Future<void>
Uses a camera update to move the camera instantly.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeOnCameraEventListner(MPCameraEventListener listener) → void
Remove a camera event listener
removeOnFloorUpdateListener(OnFloorUpdateListener listener) → void
Remove a floor update listener
selectBuilding(FutureOr<MPBuilding?> building, bool moveCamera) Future<void>
Select a building, optionally move the camera to the given building
selectFloor(int floorIndex) Future<void>
Sets the current visible floor to the given floorIndex one
selectLocation(FutureOr<MPLocation?> location, [MPSelectionBehavior? behavior]) Future<void>
Selects a location based on a MPLocation object.
selectLocationById(String id, [MPSelectionBehavior? behavior]) Future<void>
Selects a location based on a id string object.
selectVenue(FutureOr<MPVenue?> venue, bool moveCamera) Future<void>
Select a venue, optionally move the camera to the given venue
setBuildingSelectionMode(MPSelectionMode mode) Future<void>
Set the building selection mode
setFilter(MPFilter filter, MPFilterBehavior behavior) Future<bool>
Use this method to display temporary locations, not points of interests location. Use clearFilter() to exit this state
setFilterWithLocations(List<MPLocation?> locations, MPFilterBehavior behavior) Future<void>
Use this method to display temporary locations, not points of interests location. Use clearFilter() to exit this state
setFloorSelectionMode(MPSelectionMode mode) Future<void>
Set the floor selection mode
setFloorSelector(MPFloorSelectorInterface floorSelector) Future<void>
Replaces the default FloorSelector with a custom one.
setHiddenFeatures(FutureOr<List<MPFeatureType>> features) Future<void>
Set a list of features to be hidden from the map.
setHighlight(List<MPLocation> locations, MPHighlightBehavior behavior) Future<void>
Set a collection of locations to be highlighted, this is different from setFilter in that other locations are not removed, but the highlighted locations will always be visible and will have a badge added to show that it is highlighted.
setLabelOptions({num? textSize, String? color, bool showHalo = false}) Future<void>
Change the appearance of the labels of POIs.
setMapPadding(int start, int top, int end, int bottom) Future<void>
Sets padding on the map.
setMapStyle(MPMapStyle mapstyle) Future<void>
Sets the map style for MapsIndoors tiles
setOnCurrentBuildingChangedListener(OnBuildingFoundAtCameraTargetListener? listener) → void
Set a current building changed event listener, which is invoked when the currently selected building changes
setOnCurrentVenueChangedListener(OnVenueFoundAtCameraTargetListener? listener) → void
Set a current venue changed event listener, which is invoked when the currently selected venue changes
setOnLocationSelectedListener(OnLocationSelectedListener? listener, [bool? consumeEvent]) → void
Set a location selection listener, invoked when a location is selected, either by tapping on it, or programmatically with selectLocation
setOnMapClickListener(OnMapClickListener? listener, [bool? consumeEvent]) → void
Set a listener for when the map has been tapped
setOnMarkerClickListener(OnMarkerClickListener? listener, [bool? consumeEvent]) → void
Set a marker click event listener, invoked when a marker is clicked
setOnMarkerInfoWindowClickListener(OnMarkerInfoWindowClickListener? listener) → void
Set a info window click listener, invoked when an info window is clicked
setShowCompassOnRotate(bool show) Future<void>
Renders the positioning blue dot at the last known user position on the map
setShowUserPosition(bool show) Future<void>
Renders the positioning blue dot at the last known user position on the map
showInfoWindowOnClickedLocation(bool show) Future<void>
Enables/disables the info window on user-selected locations
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a string representation of this node and its descendants.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the object.
toStringShort() String
A short, textual description of this widget.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.