MakiIcons enum

This file is auto-generated. Do not modify it manually.

Available extensions


aerialway → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('aerialway')
airfield → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('airfield')
airport → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('airport')
alcoholShop → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('alcohol-shop')
americanFootball → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('american-football')
amusementPark → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('amusement-park')
animalShelter → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('animal-shelter')
aquarium → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('aquarium')
arrow → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('arrow')
artGallery → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('art-gallery')
attraction → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('attraction')
bakery → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('bakery')
bankJP → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('bank-JP')
bank → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('bank')
bar → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('bar')
barrier → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('barrier')
baseball → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('baseball')
basketball → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('basketball')
bbq → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('bbq')
beach → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('beach')
beer → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('beer')
bicycleShare → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('bicycle-share')
bicycle → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('bicycle')
bloodBank → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('blood-bank')
bowlingAlley → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('bowling-alley')
bridge → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('bridge')
buildingAlt1 → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('building-alt1')
building → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('building')
bus → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('bus')
cafe → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('cafe')
campsite → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('campsite')
carRental → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('car-rental')
carRepair → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('car-repair')
car → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('car')
casino → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('casino')
castleJP → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('castle-JP')
castle → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('castle')
caution → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('caution')
cemeteryJP → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('cemetery-JP')
cemetery → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('cemetery')
chargingStation → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('charging-station')
cinema → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('cinema')
circleStroked → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('circle-stroked')
circle → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('circle')
city → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('city')
clothingStore → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('clothing-store')
collegeJP → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('college-JP')
college → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('college')
commercial → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('commercial')
communicationsTower → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('communications-tower')
confectionery → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('confectionery')
construction → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('construction')
convenience → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('convenience')
cricket → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('cricket')
cross → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('cross')
dam → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('dam')
danger → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('danger')
defibrillator → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('defibrillator')
dentist → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('dentist')
diamond → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('diamond')
doctor → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('doctor')
dogPark → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('dog-park')
drinkingWater → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('drinking-water')
elevator → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('elevator')
embassy → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('embassy')
emergencyPhone → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('emergency-phone')
entranceAlt1 → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('entrance-alt1')
entrance → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('entrance')
farm → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('farm')
fastFood → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('fast-food')
fence → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('fence')
ferryJP → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('ferry-JP')
ferry → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('ferry')
fireStationJP → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('fire-station-JP')
fireStation → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('fire-station')
fitnessCentre → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('fitness-centre')
florist → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('florist')
fuel → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('fuel')
furniture → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('furniture')
gaming → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('gaming')
gardenCentre → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('garden-centre')
garden → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('garden')
gate → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('gate')
gift → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('gift')
globe → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('globe')
golf → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('golf')
grocery → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('grocery')
hairdresser → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('hairdresser')
harbor → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('harbor')
hardware → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('hardware')
heart → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('heart')
heliport → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('heliport')
highwayRestArea → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('highway-rest-area')
historic → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('historic')
home → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('home')
horseRiding → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('horse-riding')
hospitalJP → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('hospital-JP')
hospital → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('hospital')
hotSpring → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('hot-spring')
iceCream → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('ice-cream')
industry → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('industry')
information → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('information')
jewelryStore → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('jewelry-store')
karaoke → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('karaoke')
landmarkJP → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('landmark-JP')
landmark → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('landmark')
landuse → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('landuse')
laundry → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('laundry')
library → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('library')
liftGate → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('lift-gate')
lighthouseJP → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('lighthouse-JP')
lighthouse → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('lighthouse')
lodging → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('lodging')
logging → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('logging')
markerStroked → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('marker-stroked')
marker → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('marker')
mobilePhone → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('mobile-phone')
monumentJP → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('monument-JP')
monument → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('monument')
mountain → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('mountain')
museum → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('museum')
music → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('music')
natural → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('natural')
observationTower → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('observation-tower')
optician → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('optician')
paint → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('paint')
parkAlt1 → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('park-alt1')
park → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('park')
parkingGarage → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('parking-garage')
parkingPaid → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('parking-paid')
parking → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('parking')
pharmacy → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('pharmacy')
picnicSite → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('picnic-site')
pitch → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('pitch')
placeOfWorship → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('place-of-worship')
playground → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('playground')
policeJP → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('police-JP')
police → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('police')
postJP → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('post-JP')
post → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('post')
prison → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('prison')
racetrackBoat → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('racetrack-boat')
racetrackCycling → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('racetrack-cycling')
racetrackHorse → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('racetrack-horse')
racetrack → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('racetrack')
railLight → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('rail-light')
railMetro → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('rail-metro')
rail → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('rail')
rangerStation → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('ranger-station')
recycling → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('recycling')
religiousBuddhist → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('religious-buddhist')
religiousChristian → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('religious-christian')
religiousJewish → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('religious-jewish')
religiousMuslim → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('religious-muslim')
religiousShinto → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('religious-shinto')
residentialCommunity → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('residential-community')
restaurantBbq → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('restaurant-bbq')
restaurantNoodle → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('restaurant-noodle')
restaurantPizza → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('restaurant-pizza')
restaurantSeafood → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('restaurant-seafood')
restaurantSushi → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('restaurant-sushi')
restaurant → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('restaurant')
roadAccident → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('road-accident')
roadblock → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('roadblock')
rocket → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('rocket')
schoolJP → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('school-JP')
school → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('school')
scooter → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('scooter')
shelter → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('shelter')
shoe → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('shoe')
shop → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('shop')
skateboard → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('skateboard')
skiing → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('skiing')
slaughterhouse → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('slaughterhouse')
slipway → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('slipway')
snowmobile → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('snowmobile')
soccer → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('soccer')
squareStroked → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('square-stroked')
square → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('square')
stadium → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('stadium')
starStroked → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('star-stroked')
star → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('star')
suitcase → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('suitcase')
swimming → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('swimming')
tableTennis → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('table-tennis')
teahouse → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('teahouse')
telephone → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('telephone')
tennis → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('tennis')
theatre → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('theatre')
toilet → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('toilet')
toll → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('toll')
townHall → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('town-hall')
town → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('town')
triangleStroked → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('triangle-stroked')
triangle → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('triangle')
tunnel → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('tunnel')
veterinary → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('veterinary')
viewpoint → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('viewpoint')
village → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('village')
volcano → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('volcano')
volleyball → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('volleyball')
warehouse → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('warehouse')
wasteBasket → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('waste-basket')
watch → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('watch')
water → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('water')
waterfall → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('waterfall')
watermill → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('watermill')
wetland → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('wetland')
wheelchair → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('wheelchair')
windmill → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('windmill')
zoo → const MakiIcons
const MakiIcons('zoo')


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
name String

Available on Enum, provided by the EnumName extension

The name of the enum value.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
value String


fromString(String? value) MakiIcons?

Available on MakiIcons, provided by the MakiIconsExtension extension

noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


values → const List<MakiIcons>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.