ClassElementFieldExtension extension

Adds field and method retrieval features to the ClassElement class

  • InterfaceElement


getConstructorsMatchingFields({required Iterable<FieldDescriptorBase> fieldDescriptors, bool allowMissingFields = false, Set<String> missingFields = const <String>{}}) Iterable<ConstructorElement>

Available on InterfaceElement, provided by the ClassElementFieldExtension extension

Gets all constructors that match a certain set of FieldDescriptors.
getSortedFieldSet({bool includeInherited = true}) Iterable<FieldElement>

Available on InterfaceElement, provided by the ClassElementFieldExtension extension

Gets the public instance fields of the class
getSortedMethods({bool includeInherited = true}) Iterable<MethodElement>

Available on InterfaceElement, provided by the ClassElementFieldExtension extension

Gets the public methods of the class