getPhoneNumberWebhooksPaginatedWithHttpInfo method

Future<Response> getPhoneNumberWebhooksPaginatedWithHttpInfo(
  1. String phoneId, {
  2. int? page,
  3. int? size,
  4. String? sort,
  5. DateTime? since,
  6. DateTime? before,

Get paginated webhooks for a phone number

Note: This method returns the HTTP Response.


  • String phoneId (required):

  • int page: Optional page index in list pagination

  • int size: Optional page size in list pagination

  • String sort: Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC

  • DateTime since: Filter by created at after the given timestamp

  • DateTime before: Filter by created at before the given timestamp


Future<Response> getPhoneNumberWebhooksPaginatedWithHttpInfo(String phoneId, { int? page, int? size, String? sort, DateTime? since, DateTime? before, }) async {
  // ignore: prefer_const_declarations
  final path = r'/phone/numbers/{phoneId}/webhooks/paginated'
    .replaceAll('{phoneId}', phoneId);

  // ignore: prefer_final_locals
  Object? postBody;

  final queryParams = <QueryParam>[];
  final headerParams = <String, String>{};
  final formParams = <String, String>{};

  if (page != null) {
    queryParams.addAll(_queryParams('', 'page', page));
  if (size != null) {
    queryParams.addAll(_queryParams('', 'size', size));
  if (sort != null) {
    queryParams.addAll(_queryParams('', 'sort', sort));
  if (since != null) {
    queryParams.addAll(_queryParams('', 'since', since));
  if (before != null) {
    queryParams.addAll(_queryParams('', 'before', before));

  const contentTypes = <String>[];

  return apiClient.invokeAPI(
    contentTypes.isEmpty ? null : contentTypes.first,