WebhookControllerApi class


WebhookControllerApi([ApiClient? apiClient])


apiClient ApiClient
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


createAccountWebhook(CreateWebhookOptions createWebhookOptions) Future<WebhookDto?>
Attach a WebHook URL to an inbox
createAccountWebhookWithHttpInfo(CreateWebhookOptions createWebhookOptions) Future<Response>
Attach a WebHook URL to an inbox
createWebhook(String inboxId, CreateWebhookOptions createWebhookOptions) Future<WebhookDto?>
Attach a WebHook URL to an inbox
createWebhookForPhoneNumber(String phoneNumberId, CreateWebhookOptions createWebhookOptions) Future<WebhookDto?>
Attach a WebHook URL to a phone number
createWebhookForPhoneNumberWithHttpInfo(String phoneNumberId, CreateWebhookOptions createWebhookOptions) Future<Response>
Attach a WebHook URL to a phone number
createWebhookWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, CreateWebhookOptions createWebhookOptions) Future<Response>
Attach a WebHook URL to an inbox
deleteAllWebhooks({DateTime? before}) Future<void>
Delete all webhooks
deleteAllWebhooksWithHttpInfo({DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
Delete all webhooks
deleteWebhook(String inboxId, String webhookId) Future<void>
Delete and disable a Webhook for an Inbox
deleteWebhookById(String webhookId) Future<void>
Delete a webhook
deleteWebhookByIdWithHttpInfo(String webhookId) Future<Response>
Delete a webhook
deleteWebhookWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, String webhookId) Future<Response>
Delete and disable a Webhook for an Inbox
getAllAccountWebhooks({int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? eventType, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<PageWebhookProjection?>
List account webhooks Paginated
getAllAccountWebhooksWithHttpInfo({int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? eventType, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
List account webhooks Paginated
getAllWebhookResults({int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before, bool? unseenOnly}) Future<PageWebhookResult?>
Get results for all webhooks
getAllWebhookResultsWithHttpInfo({int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before, bool? unseenOnly}) Future<Response>
Get results for all webhooks
getAllWebhooks({int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, String? inboxId, String? phoneId, DateTime? before}) Future<PageWebhookProjection?>
List Webhooks Paginated
getAllWebhooksWithHttpInfo({int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, String? inboxId, String? phoneId, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
List Webhooks Paginated
getInboxWebhooksPaginated(String inboxId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<PageWebhookProjection?>
Get paginated webhooks for an Inbox
getInboxWebhooksPaginatedWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
Get paginated webhooks for an Inbox
getJsonSchemaForWebhookEvent(String event) Future<JSONSchemaDto?>
Get JSON Schema definition for webhook payload by event
getJsonSchemaForWebhookEventWithHttpInfo(String event) Future<Response>
Get JSON Schema definition for webhook payload by event
getJsonSchemaForWebhookPayload(String webhookId) Future<JSONSchemaDto?>
Get JSON Schema definition for webhook payload
getJsonSchemaForWebhookPayloadWithHttpInfo(String webhookId) Future<Response>
Get JSON Schema definition for webhook payload
getPhoneNumberWebhooksPaginated(String phoneId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<PageWebhookProjection?>
Get paginated webhooks for a phone number
getPhoneNumberWebhooksPaginatedWithHttpInfo(String phoneId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
Get paginated webhooks for a phone number
getTestWebhookPayload({String? eventName}) Future<AbstractWebhookPayload?>
Get test webhook payload example. Response content depends on eventName passed. Uses EMAIL_RECEIVED as default.
getTestWebhookPayloadBounce() Future<WebhookBouncePayload?>
Get webhook test payload for bounce
getTestWebhookPayloadBounceRecipient() Future<WebhookBounceRecipientPayload?>
Get webhook test payload for bounce recipient
getTestWebhookPayloadBounceRecipientWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get webhook test payload for bounce recipient
getTestWebhookPayloadBounceWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get webhook test payload for bounce
getTestWebhookPayloadDeliveryStatus() Future<WebhookDeliveryStatusPayload?>
Get webhook test payload for delivery status event
getTestWebhookPayloadDeliveryStatusWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get webhook test payload for delivery status event
getTestWebhookPayloadEmailOpened() Future<WebhookEmailOpenedPayload?>
Get webhook test payload for email opened event
getTestWebhookPayloadEmailOpenedWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get webhook test payload for email opened event
getTestWebhookPayloadEmailRead() Future<WebhookEmailReadPayload?>
Get webhook test payload for email opened event
getTestWebhookPayloadEmailReadWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get webhook test payload for email opened event
getTestWebhookPayloadForWebhook(String webhookId) Future<AbstractWebhookPayload?>
Get example payload for webhook
getTestWebhookPayloadForWebhookWithHttpInfo(String webhookId) Future<Response>
Get example payload for webhook
getTestWebhookPayloadNewAttachment() Future<WebhookNewAttachmentPayload?>
Get webhook test payload for new attachment event
getTestWebhookPayloadNewAttachmentWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get webhook test payload for new attachment event
getTestWebhookPayloadNewContact() Future<WebhookNewContactPayload?>
Get webhook test payload for new contact event
getTestWebhookPayloadNewContactWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get webhook test payload for new contact event
getTestWebhookPayloadNewEmail() Future<WebhookNewEmailPayload?>
Get webhook test payload for new email event
getTestWebhookPayloadNewEmailWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get webhook test payload for new email event
getTestWebhookPayloadNewSms() Future<WebhookNewSmsPayload?>
Get webhook test payload for new sms event
getTestWebhookPayloadNewSmsWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get webhook test payload for new sms event
getTestWebhookPayloadWithHttpInfo({String? eventName}) Future<Response>
Get test webhook payload example. Response content depends on eventName passed. Uses EMAIL_RECEIVED as default.
getWebhook(String webhookId) Future<WebhookDto?>
Get a webhook
getWebhookResult(String webhookResultId) Future<WebhookResultDto?>
Get a webhook result for a webhook
getWebhookResults(String webhookId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before, bool? unseenOnly}) Future<PageWebhookResult?>
Get a webhook results for a webhook
getWebhookResultsUnseenErrorCount() Future<UnseenErrorCountDto?>
Get count of unseen webhook results with error status
getWebhookResultsUnseenErrorCountWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get count of unseen webhook results with error status
getWebhookResultsWithHttpInfo(String webhookId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before, bool? unseenOnly}) Future<Response>
Get a webhook results for a webhook
getWebhookResultWithHttpInfo(String webhookResultId) Future<Response>
Get a webhook result for a webhook
getWebhooks(String inboxId) Future<List<WebhookDto>?>
Get all webhooks for an Inbox
getWebhooksWithHttpInfo(String inboxId) Future<Response>
Get all webhooks for an Inbox
getWebhookWithHttpInfo(String webhookId) Future<Response>
Get a webhook
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
redriveWebhookResult(String webhookResultId) Future<WebhookRedriveResult?>
Get a webhook result and try to resend the original webhook payload
redriveWebhookResultWithHttpInfo(String webhookResultId) Future<Response>
Get a webhook result and try to resend the original webhook payload
sendTestData(String webhookId) Future<WebhookTestResult?>
Send webhook test data
sendTestDataWithHttpInfo(String webhookId) Future<Response>
Send webhook test data
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateWebhookHeaders(String webhookId, WebhookHeaders webhookHeaders) Future<WebhookDto?>
Update a webhook request headers
updateWebhookHeadersWithHttpInfo(String webhookId, WebhookHeaders webhookHeaders) Future<Response>
Update a webhook request headers
verifyWebhookSignature(VerifyWebhookSignatureOptions verifyWebhookSignatureOptions) Future<VerifyWebhookSignatureResults?>
Verify a webhook payload signature
verifyWebhookSignatureWithHttpInfo(VerifyWebhookSignatureOptions verifyWebhookSignatureOptions) Future<Response>
Verify a webhook payload signature


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.