requestEditModeFor method

bool requestEditModeFor(
  1. T item,
  2. int row,
  3. int col,
  4. MhItemsViewMoveFocusDirections direction,


bool requestEditModeFor(
    T item, int row, int col, MhItemsViewMoveFocusDirections direction) {
  //Move to next cell
  T item = filteredItemsSource[row];
  do {
    switch (direction) {
      case MhItemsViewMoveFocusDirections.up:
        row = row - 1;
      case MhItemsViewMoveFocusDirections.down:
        row = row + 1;
      case MhItemsViewMoveFocusDirections.left:
        col = col - 1;
        if (col < 0) {
          row = row - 1;
          col = columnDefs.length - 1;
      case MhItemsViewMoveFocusDirections.right:
        col = col + 1;
        if (col >= columnDefs.length) {
          row = row + 1;
          col = 0;
    if (row >= filteredItemsSource.length || row <= 0) {
      return false;
    item = filteredItemsSource[row];
  } while (!columnDefs[col].canEdit(item));

  editModeIsRequestedForRow = row;
  editModeIsRequestedForCol = col;

  //Check to keep the limits
  if (editModeIsRequestedForRow! < 0) {
    editModeIsRequestedForRow = 0;
  if (editModeIsRequestedForRow! >= filteredItemsSource.length) {
    editModeIsRequestedForRow = filteredItemsSource.length - 1;

  addSelectedItem(item: item, fromSelectBox: false, fromEditBox: true);

  // We ensure that the Row is painted in the refresh function (Flutter TextField ensures that it is visible by default - so we just have to care, that the row is painted)
  if (editModeIsRequestedForRow != null) {
        item: item, blink: false, centerItem: false, onlyIfNotVisible: true);

  // Refresh the view

  return true;