WindowManipulator class

Class that provides methods to manipulate the application's window.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

acknowledgeMouseEvents() Future<void>
Makes the window acknowledge mouse events.
addEmptyMaskImage() Future<void>
Adds an empty mask image to the window's view.
addFullScreenPresentationOption(NSAppPresentationOption option) Future<void>
Adds a NSAppPresentationOption to the window as a full-screen presentation option.
addNSWindowDelegate(NSWindowDelegate delegate) NSWindowDelegateHandle
Adds a NSWindowDelegate which can be used to respond to events, such as window resizing, moving, exposing, and minimizing.
addToolbar() Future<void>
Adds a toolbar to the window.
addVisualEffectSubview(VisualEffectSubviewProperties properties) Future<int>
Adds a visual effect subview to the application's window and returns its ID.
centerWindow() Future<void>
Sets the window’s location to the center of the screen.
disableCloseButton() Future<void>
Disables the window's close button.
disableFullSizeContentView() Future<void>
Disables the window's full-size content view.
disableMiniaturizeButton() Future<void>
Disables the window's miniaturize button.
disableShadow() Future<void>
Disables the window's shadow.
disableZoomButton() Future<void>
Disables the window's zoom button.
enableCloseButton() Future<void>
Enables the window's close button.
enableFullSizeContentView() Future<void>
Enables the window's full-size content view.
enableMiniaturizeButton() Future<void>
Enables the window's miniaturize button.
enableShadow() Future<void>
Enables the window's shadow.
enableZoomButton() Future<void>
Enables the window's zoom button.
enterFullscreen() Future<void>
Makes the Flutter window fullscreen.
exitFullscreen() Future<void>
Restores the Flutter window back to normal from fullscreen mode.
getStandardWindowButtonPosition({required NSWindowButtonType buttonType}) Future<Rect>
Gets the position of the standard window button of type buttonType.
getTitlebarHeight() Future<double>
Gets the height of the titlebar.
getWindowFrame() Future<Rect>
Returns the window’s window’s frame rectangle in screen coordinates, including the title bar.
hideCloseButton() Future<void>
Hides the window's close button.
hideMiniaturizeButton() Future<void>
Hides the window's miniaturize button.
hideTitle() Future<void>
Hides the titlebar of the window.
hideZoomButton() Future<void>
Hides the window's zoom button.
ignoreMouseEvents() Future<void>
Makes the window ignore mouse events.
initialize({bool enableWindowDelegate = false}) Future<void>
Initializes the WindowManipulator class.
insertIntoStyleMask(NSWindowStyleMask styleMask) Future<void>
Enables a flag that describes the window's current style, such as if it's resizable or in full-screen mode.
invalidateShadows() Future<void>
Invalidates the window's shadow.
isMainWindow() Future<bool>
Returns whether the window is the main window.
isWindowFullscreened() Future<bool>
Returns if the window is fullscreened.
isWindowInLiveResize() Future<bool>
Gets whether the window is currently being resized by the user.
isWindowVisible() Future<bool>
Gets if the window is visible.
isWindowZoomed() Future<bool>
Returns if the window is zoomed.
makeTitlebarOpaque() Future<void>
Makes the window's titlebar opaque.
makeTitlebarTransparent() Future<void>
Makes the window's titlebar transparent.
makeWindowFullyTransparent() → void
Makes a window fully transparent (with no blur effect).
orderBack() Future<void>
Moves the window to the back of its level in the screen list, without changing either the key window or the main window.
orderFront() Future<void>
Moves the window to the front of its level in the screen list, without changing either the key window or the main window.
orderFrontRegardless() Future<void>
Moves the window to the front of its level, even if its application isn't active, without changing either the key window or the main window.
orderOut() Future<void>
Removes the window from the screen list, which hides the window.
overrideMacOSBrightness({required bool dark}) Future<void>
Overrides the brightness setting of the window.
overrideStandardWindowButtonPosition({required NSWindowButtonType buttonType, required Offset? offset}) Future<bool>
Overrides the standard window button position of type buttonType.
removeFromStyleMask(NSWindowStyleMask styleMask) Future<void>
Disables a flag that describes the window's current style, such as if it's resizable or in full-screen mode.
removeFullScreenPresentationOptions() Future<void>
Removes the window's full-screen presentation options.
removeMaskImage() Future<void>
Removes the window's mask image.
removeToolbar() Future<void>
Removes the window's toolbar.
removeVisualEffectSubview(int visualEffectSubviewId) Future<void>
Removes a visual effect subview from the application's window.
setDocumentEdited() Future<void>
Sets the document to be edited.
setDocumentUnedited() Future<void>
Sets the document to be unedited.
setLevel(NSWindowLevel level) Future<void>
Sets the level of the window.
setMaterial(NSVisualEffectViewMaterial material) Future<void>
Modifies the window's subview's material property.
setNSVisualEffectViewState(NSVisualEffectViewState state) Future<void>
Sets the NSVisualEffectView state.
setRepresentedFilename(String filename) Future<void>
Sets the represented file of the window.
setRepresentedUrl(String url) Future<void>
Sets the represented URL of the window.
setSubtitle(String subtitle) Future<void>
Sets the subtitle of the window.
setToolbarStyle({required NSWindowToolbarStyle toolbarStyle}) Future<void>
Sets the window's toolbar style.
setWindowAlphaValue(double value) Future<void>
Sets the window's alpha value.
setWindowBackgroundColorToClear() Future<void>
Sets the window background color to clear.
setWindowBackgroundColorToDefaultColor() Future<void>
Sets the window background color to the default (opaque) window color.
setWindowFrame(Rect frame, {bool animate = false}) Future<void>
Sets the window’s frame rectangle in screen coordinates, including the title bar.
showCloseButton() Future<void>
Shows the window's close button.
showMiniaturizeButton() Future<void>
Shows the window's miniaturize button.
showTitle() Future<void>
Shows the titlebar of the window.
showZoomButton() Future<void>
Shows the window's zoom button.
unzoomWindow() Future<void>
Unzooms the window.
updateVisualEffectSubviewProperties(int visualEffectSubviewId, VisualEffectSubviewProperties properties) Future<void>
Updates the properties of a visual effect subview.
zoomWindow() Future<void>
Zooms the window.