Mabe Utils
Utils Code by MABE
Installation 💻
❗ In order to start using Mabe Utils you must have the Flutter SDK installed on your machine.
Install via flutter pub add
dart pub add mabe_utils
Look at the example
folder to check how to work with these widgets.
- ReactOnTap
- Scale
- Opacity
- Disabled
- Marks
as disabled by reducing its opacity to half and ignoring pointers.
- Marks
- KeyboardHeightProvider
- When added to the widget tree, keeps track of the keyboard height and provides these values through the context via
- When added to the widget tree, keeps track of the keyboard height and provides these values through the context via
- LoadingManager
- Adds an overlay on top of all the sub-widget tree when loading. Allows to add loading tasks
- AlertManager
which provides functionality to add or remove alerts above the sub-widget tree. Use it likecontext.alert(msg: msg)
/// Map of keys and values of type String
typedef StringMap = Map<String, String>;
/// Map of String keys and dynamic values.
typedef JSON = Map<String, dynamic>;
/// [VoidCallback] that returns a [Future]
typedef FutureVoidCallback = Future<void> Function();
/// Callback that accepts an [int] through parameters
typedef IntCallback = void Function(int);
/// Callback that accepts an [String] through parameters
typedef StringCallback = void Function(String value);
/// Callback that accepts an [BuildContext] through parameters
typedef VoidContextCallback = void Function(BuildContext context);
/// Callback for bottomsheet builders
typedef BottomSheetBuilder = Future<T?> Function<T>(Widget child);
Iterables & Lists
List<T> removeNull()
List<T> reverseIf(bool b);
T after(T value);
List<T> separateBy(T separator, {bool wrap = false});
Iterable<T> hugBy(T hugger);
Iterable<S> indexedMap<S>(S Function(T item, int index) map);
Iterable<T> putIfAbsent(T value, {EqualityBuilder<T>? equalityBuilder});
/// Adds or removes the [value] based on if the value was already in.
List<T> toggle(T value);
/// Returns `true` if the iterable is has an element of type [S].
bool anyType<S extends T>();
/// Extract one random item from the list
T random();
/// Extract random items from the list
List<T> randomSublist(int count);
/// The contrary version of [whereType]. Returns a new
/// list composed of only the elements that are **NOT** of type [S].
List<T> whereTypeNot<S extends T>();
/// Same as [whereType] but with a pair of types.
List<T> whereTypes<S extends T, R extends T>();
/// The first element satisfying [test], or `null` if there are none.
T? firstWhereOrNull(bool Function(T element) test);
/// Returns the last element, and returns null on empty.
T? get lastOrNull;
/// Returns the first element, and returns null on empty.
T? get firstOrNull;
/// Returns a map groupped by the [keyFunction].
Map<K, List<T>> groupBy<K>(K Function(T) keyFunction);
/// Returns the element at position [index] % [length].
T loop(int index);
/// Returns the element at index [i] if present. Returns null otherwise
T? elementAtOrNull(int i);
/// Contiguous slices of `this` with the given [length].
/// Each slice is [length] elements long, except for the last one which may be
/// shorter if `this` contains too few elements. Each slice begins after the
/// last one ends. The [length] must be greater than zero.
/// For example, `{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.slices(2)` returns `([1, 2], [3, 4], [5])`.
Iterable<List<T>> slices(int length);
/// Equivalent as `Navigator.of(context)`
NavigatorState get navigator => Navigator.of(this);
/// Equivalent as `MediaQuery.sizeOf(context)`
Size get screen => MediaQuery.sizeOf(this);
/// Equivalent as `MediaQuery.of(context)`
MediaQueryData get mediaQuery => MediaQuery.of(this);
/// Returns padding for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or
/// throws an exception, if no such ancestor exists.
EdgeInsets get padding => MediaQuery.paddingOf(this);
/// Equivalent as `Theme.of(context)`
ThemeData get theme => Theme.of(this);
/// Returns the current [LayoutBreakpoint] based on screen device size.
LayoutBreakpoint get breakpoint;
/// Returns `true` if screen device size is []
bool get isMobile;
/// Returns `true` if screen device size is [LayoutBreakpoint.tablet]
bool get isTablet;
/// Returns `true` if screen device size is [LayoutBreakpoint.desktop]
bool get isDesktop;
/// Returns a ValueNotifier that fires everytime
/// the **max** keyboard height changes.
ValueNotifier<double> get maxKeyboardHeight;
/// Returns a ValueNotifier that fires everytime the keyboard height changes.
ValueNotifier<double> get keyboardHeight;
/// Returns the closest [KeyboardHeightProvider] to the tree if any,
KeyboardHeightProviderState? get maybeKeyboardHeightProvider;
// * Managers
/// Adds an overlay while this task is being executed.
void showLoading({required String tag, String? message});
/// Removes the tasks, and subsequently the loading overlay.
void hideLoading({required String tag});
/// Adds a new alert.
void alert({
required String msg,
AlertType? type,
String? id,
Duration? duration,
/// It shows a Dialog and will the corresponding [AppDialogAction].
Future<AppDialogAction> popup(
Widget dialog, {
Color? barrierColor,
bool? isDismissable,
/// Same as [bottomsheet] but with a widget builder.
Future<T?> bottomsheetBuilder<T>(WidgetBuilder builder,{Color? barrierColor});
/// Shows a BottomSheet with [child] as a child.
Future<T?> bottomsheet<T>(Widget child, {Color? barrierColor});
/// Returns the global offset of the widget attached to this key.
Offset? get offset;
/// Returns the size of the widget attached to this key.
Size? get size;
/// Returns a Rect of this widget based on the global offset and its size.
Rect? get rect;
Color get color;
/// Returns the initial letter of each word
String get initials;
/// Returns the same string but the first letter is uppercase.
String get capitalized;
/// Transforms a camel case to a sentence case.
/// Example: camelToSentence -> Camel To Sentence
String get camelCaseToSentenceCase;
And more ✨
- mabe_utils
- Utils Code by MABE