🚀 lyon1_casclient

A Dart library that provides authentication with the CAS (Central Authentication Service) system of Lyon 1 University (https://cas.univ-lyon1.fr).

✨ Features

  • Authenticate users with Lyon 1 CAS credentials.
  • Seamless integration with other Dart libraries, such as dartus-tomuss-client, izlyclient, lyon1-agendaclient, and lyon1-mail.

⚙️ Installation

Add the following to your project's pubspec.yaml file:

  lyon1casclient: any

🔒 Usage

Start by importing the library:

import 'package:lyon1casclient/lyon1casclient.dart';

Then, use the Lyon1Cas class to authenticate a user with their Lyon 1 CAS credentials:

void main() async {
  final Lyon1Cas auth = Lyon1Cas();
  final bool isAuthenticated = (await auth.authenticate(Credential("p1234567", "a_valid_password"))).authResult;

  if (!isAuthenticated) {
    print("You are not authenticated. Please check your username and password");

  // User is authenticated, perform additional operations
  // ...

Make sure to replace "p1234567" with the actual Lyon 1 CAS username and "a_valid_password" with the corresponding password.

🚀 Integration with Other Libraries

The lyon1_casclient library is designed to work seamlessly with other Dart libraries commonly used at Lyon 1 University, such as:

By combining these libraries, you can build powerful applications that leverage Lyon 1 University's CAS authentication system along with other essential services.

🌟 Example

Here's an example that demonstrates the authentication process using lyon1_casclient:

import 'package:lyon1casclient/lyon1casclient.dart';

void main() async {
  final Lyon1Cas auth = Lyon1Cas();
  final bool isAuthenticated = (await auth.authenticate(Credential("p1234567", "a_valid_password"))).authResult;

  if (!isAuthenticated) {
    print("You are not authenticated. Please check your username and password");

  // User is authenticated, perform additional operations
  // ...

This example shows how to authenticate a user with their Lyon 1 CAS credentials and handle the authentication result.

Note: Replace "p1234567" with the actual Lyon 1 CAS username and "a_valid_password" with the corresponding password.

🌍 Community and Support

For questions, bug reports, or feature requests, please visit the lyon1_casclient GitHub repository. Contributions and feedback are welcome!

