lumberdash library


LumberdashClient defines the API for producing logs.


logError(dynamic exception, {dynamic stacktrace, List<Type> exceptFor = const []}) → dynamic
It calls the logError method of the each LumberdashClient passed to putLumberdashToWork, and returns the given exception. If you want to avoid logging to a particular client that was previously registered in putLumberdashToWork#withClients, use exceptFor to filter out that client.
logFatal(String message, {Map<String, String>? extras, List<Type> exceptFor = const []}) String
It calls the logFatal method of the each LumberdashClient passed to putLumberdashToWork, and returns the given message. If you want to avoid logging to a particular client that was previously registered in putLumberdashToWork#withClients, use exceptFor to filter out that client.
logMessage(String message, {Map<String, String>? extras, List<Type> exceptFor = const []}) String
It calls the logMessage method of the each LumberdashClient passed to putLumberdashToWork, and returns the given message. If you want to avoid logging to a particular client that was previously registered in putLumberdashToWork#withClients, use exceptFor to filter out that client.
logWarning(String message, {Map<String, String>? extras, List<Type> exceptFor = const []}) String
It calls the logWarning method of the each LumberdashClient passed to putLumberdashToWork, and returns the given message. If you want to avoid logging to a particular client that was previously registered in putLumberdashToWork#withClients, use exceptFor to filter out that client.
putLumberdashToWork({required List<LumberdashClient> withClients}) → dynamic
As it name says, it puts Lumberdash to work by setting up its LumberdashClient. The full power of Lumberdash can be achieved when you use a custom LumberdashClient, or multiple clients, that can fit your logging requirements.


Logger = dynamic Function(LumberdashClient client)