error method

void error(
  1. String message, {
  2. String? location,
  3. Object? error,
  4. StackTrace? stackTrace,
  5. bool fatal = false,
  6. bool printStack = true,
  7. bool addToCrashReports = true,
  8. bool forceRecordError = false,
  9. String? tag,

Logs an error message with LogLevel.error as debugPrint.

Also tries to send the log with optional error, stackTrace and fatal boolean to your CrashReportsInterface implementation should you have configured one with the Loglytics.setUp method.


void error(
  String message, {
  String? location,
  Object? error,
  StackTrace? stackTrace,
  bool fatal = false,
  bool printStack = true,
  bool addToCrashReports = true,
  bool forceRecordError = false,
  String? tag,
}) {
  var logLevel = fatal ? LogLevel.fatal : LogLevel.error;
  if (level.skipLog(logLevel)) return;
  StackTrace localStackTrace;
  try {
    localStackTrace = stackTrace ??
  } catch (error) {
    localStackTrace = StackTrace.current;
  final hasError = error != null;
  if (hasError || forceRecordError) {
        fatal: fatal,
    message: message,
    logLevel: logLevel,
    addToCrashReports: addToCrashReports,
    location: location,
    tag: tag,
  if (hasError) {
      message: error.toString(),
      logLevel: logLevel,
      addToCrashReports: false,
      location: location,
      tag: tag,
  if (printStack) {
      stackTrace: stackTrace,
      maxFrames: _maxLinesStackTrace,