Pos class final Grids

An immutable 2D fixed-point vector.

This class could be used to represent a position in a 2D space, or a size.


Two points are considered equal if their x and y values are equal.


Creating a position:

final pos = Pos(10, 20);

Using pattern matching to extract the x and y values in one statement:

final Pos(:x, :y) = pos;
  • @immutable


Pos(int x, int y)
Creates a new position with the given x and y offsets.
Pos.floor(double dx, double dy)
Creates a new position by flooring the given dx and dy values.
Pos.fromList(List<int> list, [int start = 0])
Creates a new position from two elements of a list of integers.
Pos.fromListUnsafe(List<int> list, [int start = 0])
Creates a new position from two elements of a list of integers.
Pos.fromRowMajor(int index, {required int width})
Creates a position representing index in a grid of width columns.
Pos.fromXY((int, int) xy)
Creates a new position by destructuring a two-element tuple.
Pos.truncate(double dx, double dy)
Creates a new position by truncating the given dx and dy values.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
normalizedApproximate Pos
Returns an approximate normalized vector represented by this.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
x int
The x, or horizontal offset of this position.
xy → (int, int)
this as a tuple of two integers.
no setter
y int
The y, or vertical offset of this position.


abs() Pos
Returns a new position with the absolute value of this position.
clamp(Pos min, Pos max) Pos
Returns a new position with the offsets of this position clamped.
cross(Pos other) int
Returns the cross product of this and other.
distanceTo(Pos other, {Distance using = distanceSquared}) int
Returns the distance between this and other.
dot(Pos other) int
Returns the dot product of this and other.
inflate(Pos delta) Rect
Returns this as a Rect.center of a rectangle expanded by delta.
lineTo(Pos other, {Path using = lineBresenham, bool exclusive = false}) Iterable<Pos>
Returns an iterable of positions that draws a line from this to other.
map(int map(int offset)) Pos
Returns a new position with the map function applied to each offset.
max(Pos other) Pos
Returns a new position with offsets no less than other.
midpoints(Pos other) List<Pos>
Returns the middle positions between this and other.
min(Pos other) Pos
Returns a new position with offsets no greater than other.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pathTo(Pos other, {Path using = lineBresenham, bool exclusive = false}) Iterable<Pos>
Returns an iterable of positions that draws a path from this to other.
pow(int exponent) Pos
Returns a new position with offsets of this to the power of exponent.
rotate180() Pos
Returns this position rotated by 180 degrees.
rotate45([int steps = 1]) Pos
Returns this position rotated by 45 degrees steps times clockwise.
rotate90([int steps = 1]) Pos
Returns this position rotated by 90 degrees steps times clockwise.
scale(Pos other) Pos
Returns a new position with the offsets of this scaled by other.
toList([List<int>? output, int index = 0]) List<int>
Returns this as a list of two integers.
toListUnsafe([List<int>? output, int index = 0]) List<int>
Returns this as a list of two integers.
toRect([Pos size = const Pos(1, 1)]) Rect
Returns this as a rectangle with a width and height of 1.
toRowMajor({required int width}) int
Returns a row-major index of this position in a grid of width columns.
toSize([Pos origin = Pos.zero]) Rect
Returns this as a sized rectangle with the origin at origin.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator %(int scalar) Pos
Returns a new position with this position remainder divided by scalar.
operator &(Pos other) Pos
Returns a new position with this position logical-ANDed with other.
operator *(int scalar) Pos
Returns a new position with this position multiplied by scalar.
operator +(Pos other) Pos
Returns a new position with other's offsets added to this.
operator -(Pos other) Pos
Returns a new position with other's offsets subtracted from this.
operator <<(int shifts) Pos
Returns a new position with this position bit-shifted left by shifts.
operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator >>(int shifts) Pos
Returns a new position with this position bit-shifted right by shifts.
operator ^(Pos other) Pos
Returns a new position with this position logical-XORed with other.
operator unary-() Pos
Returns a new position with this position negated.
operator |(Pos other) Pos
Returns a new position with this position logical-ORed with other.
operator ~() Pos
Returns a new position with this position bit-wise negated.
operator ~/(int scalar) Pos
Returns a new position with this position floor divided by scalar.

Static Methods

byDistanceTo(Pos target, {Distance using = distanceSquared}) Comparator<Pos>
Returns a comparator that sorts positions by distance to target.
byMagnitude([Distance formula = distanceSquared]) Comparator<Pos>
Returns a comparator that sorts positions by distance from the origin.


byColumnMajor → const Comparator<Pos>
A comparator that sorts positions by column-major order.
byRowMajor → const Comparator<Pos>
A comparator that sorts positions by row-major order.
zero → const Pos
A position with x and y offsets set to zero, often used as the origin.