location2 library


The response object of getLocationPermissionStatus(),[] and onLocationPermissionChanged
The interface that implementations of location must implement.
LocationSettings is used to change the settings of the next location request.


Precision of the Location. A lower precision will provide a greater battery life.
Status of a permission request to use location services.


getLocation({LocationSettings? settings}) Future<LocationData>
Returns the current location. throws an Exception on Error
getPermissionStatus() Future<PermissionStatus>
Get permission status.
isGPSEnabled() Future<bool>
Returns true if the GPS provider is enabled
isNetworkEnabled() Future<bool>
Returns true if the Network provider is enabled
onLocationChanged({bool inBackground = false}) Stream<LocationData>
Listen to the current location.
requestPermission() Future<PermissionStatus>
Request location permission.
setLocationInstance(LocationPlatform platform) → void
Allows you to mock the LocationPlatform instance for testing.
setLocationSettings({bool askForPermission = true, String rationaleMessageForPermissionRequest = 'The app needs to access your location', String rationaleMessageForGPSRequest = 'The app needs to access your location', bool useGooglePlayServices = true, bool askForGooglePlayServices = false, bool askForGPS = true, bool fallbackToGPS = true, bool ignoreLastKnownPosition = true, double? expirationDuration, double? expirationTime, double fastestInterval = 500, double interval = 1000, double? maxWaitTime, int? numUpdates, LocationAccuracy accuracy = LocationAccuracy.high, double smallestDisplacement = 0, bool waitForAccurateLocation = true, double? acceptableAccuracy}) Future<void>
Update global location settings. The settings are a passthrought to the LocationSettings class.
updateBackgroundNotification({String? channelName, String? title, String? iconName, String? subtitle, String? description, Color? color, bool? onTapBringToFront}) Future<bool>
Change options of sticky background notification on Android.