Localino class

Json/Map based localization.

Mixed in types
  • PrefsProvider


Localino.instance(String defaultLocale, List<LocalinoAsset> assets)
Creates new localization instance.


availableLocales Iterable<String>
Returns list of available locales based on given assets.
no setter
currentCountry String?
Returns best possible country code based on currentLocale and deviceLocale.
no setter
currentLocale Locale
Returns currently loaded locale.
no setter
debug bool
Enables debug mode for localization. When localization key isn't found for given locale, then localize returns key and current locale (key_locale).
getter/setter pair
defaultLocale String
Default locale. This locale should be loaded first, because data can contains some shared/non translatable values (links, captions, etc.).
getter/setter pair
delegate LocalinoDelegate
Delegate of Localino to use this localization as LocalizationsDelegate.
no setter
deviceLocale Locale
The system-reported default locale of the device.
no setter
deviceLocales List<Locale>
The full system-reported supported locales of the device.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListeners bool
Whether any listeners are currently registered.
no setterinherited
hasValidAsset bool
Is true if any LocalinoAsset is valid.
no setter
isActive bool
Is true if any data are stored in localization map.
no setter
isDirty bool
Is true if localization can load default locale data.
no setter
loading bool
Loading localization data is async, so check this to prevent concurrent loading.
getter/setter pair
localData ↔ (Future<Map<String, dynamic>> Function()?)
Callback to load translations from local cache.
getter/setter pair
locale String
Returns currently loaded locale.
no setter
main bool
Checks if this localization is main and will broadcast LocalinoArgs changes with Localino key. Only one localization should be main !
getter/setter pair
prefs → ControlPrefs
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Register a closure to be called when the object changes.
changeLocale(String locale, {bool preferred = true}) Future<LocalinoArgs>
Changes localization data inside this object for given locale. Set preferred to store locale as system preferred into shared preferences.
changeToSystemLocale({bool resetPreferred = false}) Future<LocalinoArgs>
Changes localization to system preferred language.
clear() → void
Clears loaded data.
contains(String key) bool
Checks if given key can be localized.
containsOneOf(List<String> keys) bool
Checks if one of given keys can be localized.
dispose() → void
Discards any resources used by the object. After this is called, the object is not in a usable state and should be discarded (calls to addListener will throw after the object is disposed).
extractLocalization(dynamic data, {String? locale, String? defaultLocale}) String
Tries to localize text by given locale. Set setCustomExtractor to provide custom parsing.
getAsset(String? locale) LocalinoAsset?
Tries to find asset for given locale. Locale of 'en' and 'en_US' can point to same asset file.
getAvailableAssetLocaleForDevice() String?
Looks for best suited asset locale to device supported locale.
getLocale(String? locale) Locale?
Tries to find Locale is assets for given locale. Locale of 'en' and 'en_US' can point to same asset file, so resulted Locale for 'en_US' can be Locale('en') if only 'en.json' file exists.
getSystemLocale() String
Either device locale or locale stored in preferences.
init({bool loadDefaultLocale = true, bool handleSystemLocale = false, bool handleRemoteLocale = false, String? stableLocale}) Future<LocalinoArgs>
Should be called first. Loads initial localization data - getSystemLocale is used to get preferred locale.
instanceOf(List<LocalinoAsset> assets) Localino
Creates new localization instance based on current settings.
isLocaleEqual(String? a, String? b) bool
Checks if a and b is same or if this values points to same asset path. Comparing 'en' and 'en_US' can be true because they can point to same asset file.
isLocalizationAvailable(String locale) bool
Returns true if localization file is available and is possible to load it. Do not check physical existence of file !
isSystemLocaleActive({bool nullOk = true}) bool
Checks if preferred locale is loaded.
loadDefaultLocalization({bool resetPreferred = false}) Future<LocalinoArgs>
Changes localization to defaultLocale.
loadLocalizationData(String locale) Future<LocalinoArgs>
Loads localization data of locale key. Can be used to load non-translatable data. Returns result of localization change LocalinoArgs.
localize(String key) String
Tries to localize text by given key.
localizeDynamic(String key, {LocalizationParser? parser, dynamic defaultValue}) → dynamic
Tries to localize text by given key.
localizeFormat(String key, Map<String, String> params) String
Tries to localize text by given key. Then format string with given params.
localizeList(String key) Iterable<String>
Tries to localize text by given key.
localizeOr(String key, List<String> alterKeys) String
Tries to localize text by given key.
localizePlural(String key, int plural, [Map<String, String>? params]) String
Tries to localize text by given key and plural.
localizeValue(String key, String value) String
Tries to localize text by given key and value.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyListeners() → void
Call all the registered listeners.
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that are notified when the object changes.
resetPreferredLocale({bool loadSystemLocale = false}) Future
Removes preferred locale stored in shared preferences.
set(String key, dynamic value) → void
Updates value in current localization set. This update is only runtime and isn't stored to localization file.
setCustomExtractor(LocalizationExtractor extractor) → void
Sets custom extractor for extractLocalization.
setCustomParamDecorator(ParamDecoratorFormat decorator) → void
Sets custom decorator for string formatting
setData(Map<String, dynamic> data, {bool notify = false}) → void
Updates data in current localization set. This update is only runtime and isn't stored to localization file.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


preference_key → const String
Key of shared preference where preferred locale is stored.
preference_key_sync → const String
Key of shared preference where config is stored.