loading_gifs library

Loading indicator GIFs. Material and Cupertino (Android and iOS) loading indicators in assorted sizes. Use as placeholders for loading remote image assets.


circularProgressIndicator → const String
CircularProgressIndicator GIF asset path.
circularProgressIndicatorSmall → const String
Small CircularProgressIndicator GIF asset path. Use this asset instead of circularProgressIndicator for dynamic images whose dimensions are unknown ahead of time. Use where the loading image resizes itself into the layout for correct size calculation.
cupertinoActivityIndicator → const String
CupertinoActivityIndicator GIF asset path.
cupertinoActivityIndicatorSmall → const String
Small CupertinoActivityIndicator GIF asset path. Use this asset instead of cupertinoActivityIndicator for dynamic images whose dimensions are unknown ahead of time. Use where the loading image resizes itself into the layout for correct size calculation.
placeholderEmpty → const String
Transparent 1x1 pixel empty placeholder. FadeInNetworkImage requires a valid placeholder image. Use this empty placeholder to avoid AssetBundle errors.