NumericExtension extension
Extends ValueCell with numeric operators for cells holding num values.
The methods and operator overloads provided by this extension return ValueCell's which perform the same operation as the corresponding method / operator provided by the num interface. The returned ValueCell's are dependent on the method arguments which means their value is recomputed whenever the value of one of the argument cells changes.
→ ValueCell<
bool> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extensionno setter -
→ ValueCell<
bool> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extensionno setter -
→ ValueCell<
bool> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extensionno setter -
→ ValueCell<
num> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extensionno setter
operator %(
ValueCell< num> other) → ValueCell<num> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extension -
operator *(
ValueCell< num> other) → ValueCell<num> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extension -
operator +(
ValueCell< num> other) → ValueCell<num> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extension -
operator -(
ValueCell< num> other) → ValueCell<num> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extension -
operator /(
ValueCell< num> other) → ValueCell<num> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extension -
operator <(
ValueCell< num> other) → ValueCell<bool> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extension -
operator <=(
ValueCell< num> other) → ValueCell<bool> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extension -
operator >(
ValueCell< num> other) → ValueCell<bool> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extension -
operator >=(
ValueCell< num> other) → ValueCell<bool> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extension -
operator unary-(
) → ValueCell< num> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extension -
operator ~/(
ValueCell< num> arg) → ValueCell<num> -
Available on ValueCell<
num> , provided by the NumericExtension extension