ErrorCellExtension<T> extension

Extends ValueCell with facilities for handling exceptions thrown while computing values



whenReady ValueCell<T>
Create a cell that evaluates to ValueCell.none() while the cell's value is uninitialized.
no setter


error<E extends Object>({bool all = false}) ValueCell<E?>
Create a cell which captures exceptions thrown during the computation of this cell.
initialValue(ValueCell<T> value) ValueCell<T>
Returns a cell that evaluates to the value of value when the value of this is uninitialized.
loadingValue(ValueCell<T> value) ValueCell<T>
Returns a cell that evaluates to the value of value while an async value is loading..
onError<E extends Object>(ValueCell<T> other) ValueCell<T>
Create a cell which handles exceptions thrown while computing the value of this.