DurationCellExtension extension

Provides accessors for Duration properties on cells holding a Duration.

Each accessor returns a ValueCell, of which the value is the value of the property.



inDays ValueCell<int>
The duration in units of days, see Duration.inDays
no setter
inHours ValueCell<int>
The duration in units of hours, see Duration.inHours
no setter
inMicroseconds ValueCell<int>
The duration in units of microseconds, see Duration.inMicroseconds
no setter
inMilliseconds ValueCell<int>
The duration in units of milliseconds, see Duration.inMilliseconds
no setter
inMinutes ValueCell<int>
The duration in units of minutes, see Duration.inMinutes
no setter
inSeconds ValueCell<int>
The duration in units of seconds, see Duration.inSeconds
no setter
isNegative ValueCell<bool>
Returns a cell, the value of which is true if this is negative, see Duration.isNegative.
no setter


abs() ValueCell<Duration>
Returns a cell holding a Duration of the same length as this but positive, see Duration.abs.


operator *(ValueCell<num> factor) ValueCell<Duration>
Returns a cell which holds the multiplication of this by factor.
operator +(ValueCell<Duration> other) ValueCell<Duration>
Returns a cell which holds the sum of this and other.
operator -(ValueCell<Duration> other) ValueCell<Duration>
Returns a cell which holds the subtraction of other from this.
operator <(ValueCell<Duration> other) ValueCell<bool>
Returns a cell of which the value is true if this is less than other
operator <=(ValueCell<Duration> other) ValueCell<bool>
Returns a cell of which the value is true if this is less than or equal to other
operator >(ValueCell<Duration> other) ValueCell<bool>
Returns a cell of which the value is true if this is greater than other
operator >=(ValueCell<Duration> other) ValueCell<bool>
Returns a cell of which the value is true if this is greater than or equal to other
operator unary-() ValueCell<Duration>
Returns a cell which holds the negation of this.
operator ~/(ValueCell<int> quotient) ValueCell<Duration>
Returns a cell which holds the division of this by quotient.