live library

Live library Reactive, adaptive and responsive Flutter UI and commonly used widgets.


AView<S extends AViewState, E extends AViewEvents>
A generic interface boundary between Controller ViewUI widgets, This helps to build widget that decoupled from the actual Controller instance implementation. All actions and events contract is specified in an interface of this Type.
State Lifecycle.
An generic interface boundary between UIView widget and it's presenter decoupled widgets from the actual Presenter instance they require for easy reuse of widgets. All data/state contract is specified in an interface of this Type. Hold
An interface for a Background object
Backgrounds record
FieldAction<D extends dynamic, S extends Enum>
This is the Generic FieldAction Model.

This model is to be used in most if not all possible use-cases requiring a FieldAction in the console.
This is the Generic FieldIcon Model.

This model is to be used in most if not all possible use-cases requiring a FieldIcon in the console.
FieldViewModel<T extends dynamic>
FieldViewState<T extends dynamic>
The definition of an icon system in you app, set the colors,sizes and icons type.
A list whose items the user can interactively reorder by dragging.
LiveNavigationBar<T extends Named<T>>
A live Material 3 Navigation Bar.
A Material 3 NavigationBar destination.
LiveTextField<D extends dynamic>
This is the Generic LiveTextField Widget.

This widget is to be used in most if not all possible use-cases requiring a LiveTextField in the console. It allows for a single line LiveTextField or a multi-lined LiveTextField using the named constructor LiveTextField.multiLine. Name was chosen to be LiveTextField to avoid name hiding of TextFormField.
LiveTextFieldState<D extends dynamic>
An app's theme Object class.
LiveView<T extends Object>
Selection Indicator for the Material 3 NavigationBar and NavigationRail components.


Type of Background
Sets the types of icons one is using for the theme. Check the differences in icon types at font-awesome. You can also check Icon Scout
Image Type


AdaptiveContext on BuildContext
ChoiceOfBrightness on Brightness
Theme related extensions for simplicity
MaterialColorAdapter on Color


kAltPrimaryAlphaBlend → const int
White alpha blend, for alternative less saturated primary color.
kBottomNavigationBarElevation → const double
Default for elevation of BottomNavigationBar.
kBottomSheetBorderRadius → const double
Default border radius on top edge of bottom sheet.
kBottomSheetElevation → const double
Default for elevation of none modal BottomSheet.
kBottomSheetModalElevation → const double
Default for elevation of modal BottomSheet.
kButtonMinSize → const Size
Default minimum button size.
kButtonPadding → const EdgeInsetsGeometry
Default padding on legacy buttons.
kButtonRadius → const double
Default border radius on all buttons.
kCardElevation → const double
Default elevation on Card widgets.
kCardRadius → const double
Default border radius on dialogs.
kChipBackgroundAlphaBlend → const int
The surface color alpha blend, for primary colored Chip background.
kChipForegroundAlphaBlend → const int
The OnSurface color alpha blend, for primary colored Chip foreground.
kChipRadius → const double
Default border radius on Chips.
kChipSelectedBackgroundAlphaBlend → const int
The surface color alpha blend, for primary colored selected Chip background.
kDarkenPrimaryContainer → const int
The percentage amount the primary container color is darkened from the primary color when primary container color is not given.
kDarkenPrimaryVariant → const int
The percentage amount the primary variant color is darkened from the primary color when primary variant color is not given.
kDarkenSecondary → const int
The percentage amount the secondary color is darkened from the primary color when secondary color is not given.
kDarkenSecondaryContainer → const int
The percentage amount the secondary container color is darkened from the primary color, when secondary container color and secondary color are not given.
kDarkenSecondaryContainerFromSecondary → const int
The percentage amount the secondary container color is darkened from the secondary color, when secondary container color is not given, but the secondary color is given.
kDarkenSecondaryVariant → const int
The percentage amount the secondary variant color is darkened from the primary color, when secondary variant color and secondary color are not given.
kDarkenSecondaryVariantFromSecondary → const int
The percentage amount the secondary variant color is darkened from the secondary color, when secondary variant color is not given, but the secondary color is given.
kDialogElevation → const double
Default elevation of Dialog.
kDialogRadius → const double
Default border radius on dialogs.
kDisabledAlphaBlend → const int
Disabled alpha blend value for background elements.
kDisabledBackgroundAlpha → const int
Disabled state alpha value on background elements.
kDisabledForegroundAlpha → const int
Disabled state alpha value on foreground elements.
kDrawerRadius → const double
Default border radius on Navigation drawer menu.
kElevatedButtonElevation → const double
Default for elevation of ElevatedButton.
kEnabledBorderAlpha → const int
Enabled border alpha value on border sides.
kFabRadius → const double
Default border radius on Floating Action Buttons.
kFillColorAlphaDark → const int
Fill color alpha value for InputDecorator used by FlexColorScheme in dark theme.
kFillColorAlphaLight → const int
Fill color alpha value for InputDecorator used by FlexColorScheme in light theme.
kFocusAlpha → const int
Alpha value for focus on the custom opt-in effects.
kFocusAlphaBlend → const int
White alpha blend, for primary colored focus opt-in effects theming.
kFocusBackgroundAlpha → const int
Focus state alpha value on background.
kHighlightAlpha → const int
Alpha value for highlight on the custom opt-in effects.
kHighlightAlphaBlend → const int
White alpha blend, for primary colored highlight opt-in effects theming.
kHoverAlpha → const int
Alpha value for hover on the custom opt-in effects.
kHoverAlphaBlend → const int
White alpha blend, for primary colored hover opt-in effects theming.
kHoverBackgroundAlpha → const int
Hover state alpha value on background.
kInputDecoratorM3Radius → const double
Default border radius on input decoration when opting in on M3.
kInputDecoratorRadius → const double
Default border radius on input decoration when using opinionated component themes.
kMenuRadius → const double
Default border radius on menus, typically small popup menus. Drawer menu has its own default.
kNavigationBarHeight → const double
Default height of NavigationBar.
kNavigationBarIndicatorAlpha → const int
Alpha value for the indicator color on the NavigationBar and NavigationRail.
kNavigationRailElevation → const double
Default for elevation of NavigationRail.
kPopupMenuElevation → const double
Default elevation of PopupMenuButton.
kPressedBackgroundAlpha → const int
Pressed state alpha value on background.
kSelectedAlpha → const int
Alpha value, for transparency on selected onPrimary color on ToggleButtons.
kSnackBarElevation → const double
Default for elevation of SnackBar.
kSplashAlpha → const int
Alpha value for splash on the custom opt-in effects.
kSplashAlphaBlend → const int
White alpha blend, for primary colored splash opt-in theming.
kThickBorderWidth → const double
Default width of thick outline borders.
kThinBorderWidth → const double
Default width of thin outline borders.
kUnselectedAlphaBlend → const int
The alpha value for an unselected item, typically an icon or text in a TabBar, BottomNavigationBar, NavigationBar or NavigationRail.
kUnselectedBackgroundPrimaryAlphaBlend → const int
The onBackground primary alpha blend value for an unselected item, typically an icon in a TabBar, BottomNavigationBar, NavigationBar or NavigationRail.