ResponseExtension extension

  • Response


isClientError bool

Available on Response, provided by the ResponseExtension extension

Checks if the status code is in the 400-499 range, indicating a client error.
no setter
isConflict bool

Available on Response, provided by the ResponseExtension extension

Checks if the request resulted in a conflict (409).
no setter
isCreated bool

Available on Response, provided by the ResponseExtension extension

Checks if the status code indicates a 'Created' status (201).
no setter
isForbidden bool

Available on Response, provided by the ResponseExtension extension

Checks if the request was forbidden (403).
no setter
isNoContent bool

Available on Response, provided by the ResponseExtension extension

Checks if the status code indicates a 'No Content' status (204).
no setter
isNotFound bool

Available on Response, provided by the ResponseExtension extension

Checks if the status code indicates a 'Not Found' error (404).
no setter
isOk bool

Available on Response, provided by the ResponseExtension extension

Checks if the status code is in the 200-299 range, indicating a successful request.
no setter
isRedirect bool

Available on Response, provided by the ResponseExtension extension

Checks if the status code indicates a redirection (300-399).
no setter
isServerError bool

Available on Response, provided by the ResponseExtension extension

Checks if the status code is in the 500-599 range, indicating a server error.
no setter
isUnauthorized bool

Available on Response, provided by the ResponseExtension extension

Checks if the request was unauthorized (401).
no setter
statusDescription String

Available on Response, provided by the ResponseExtension extension

Helper to get a description of the status code, useful for debugging.
no setter