exchange method

Future<AuthToken> exchange(
  1. String? authCodeString,
  2. String? clientID,
  3. String? clientSecret, {
  4. int expirationInSeconds = 3600,

Exchanges a valid authorization code for an AuthToken.

If the authorization code has not expired, has not been used, matches the client ID, and the client secret is correct, it will return a valid AuthToken. Otherwise, it will throw an appropriate AuthRequestError.


Future<AuthToken> exchange(
    String? authCodeString, String? clientID, String? clientSecret,
    {int expirationInSeconds = 3600}) async {
  if (clientID == null) {
    throw AuthServerException(AuthRequestError.invalidClient, null);

  final AuthClient? client = await getClient(clientID);
  if (client == null) {
    throw AuthServerException(AuthRequestError.invalidClient, null);

  if (authCodeString == null) {
    throw AuthServerException(AuthRequestError.invalidRequest, null);

  if (clientSecret == null) {
    throw AuthServerException(AuthRequestError.invalidClient, client);

  if (client.hashedSecret != hashPassword(clientSecret, client.salt!)) {
    throw AuthServerException(AuthRequestError.invalidClient, client);

  final AuthCode? authCode = await delegate.getCode(this, authCodeString);
  if (authCode == null) {
    throw AuthServerException(AuthRequestError.invalidGrant, client);

  // check if valid still
  if (authCode.isExpired) {
    await delegate.removeCode(this, authCode.code!);
    throw AuthServerException(AuthRequestError.invalidGrant, client);

  // check that client ids match
  if (authCode.clientID != {
    throw AuthServerException(AuthRequestError.invalidGrant, client);

  // check to see if has already been used
  if (authCode.hasBeenExchanged!) {
    await delegate.removeToken(this, authCode);

    throw AuthServerException(AuthRequestError.invalidGrant, client);
  final token = _generateToken(
      authCode.resourceOwnerIdentifier!,!, expirationInSeconds,
      scopes: authCode.requestedScopes!);
  await delegate.addToken(this, token, issuedFrom: authCode);

  return token;